
When it comes to noticing the warnings signs of diabetes, most people tend to overlook them because these signs can seem so normal. That's why many have termed this disease the "silent killer." You won't lose your hair like cancer or develop sores on your body like other serious diseases. But make no mistake: even thought the diabetic symptoms may seem subtle, this is still a very dangerous illness to have.

Doctors now believe that noticing these signs of diabetes and getting officially diagnosed is crucial. Getting treated for this disease as soon as possible has shown to minimize the long term effects. So basically, the earlier you get treated, the less this disease will affect you. So what are these symptoms that tend to get overlooked?

The 3 Signs of Diabetes That Most People Miss:

1. Constant thirst. If you are always thirsty, it would be wise to go see a doctor and get a blood glucose test. This warning sign especially gets pushed aside during the summer months and for those that are very physically active (whether with exercise or with work). But under normal circumstances, drinking a few glass of water should end this thirst. Not so for those who have diabetes. Their thirst never gets satisfied.

2. Frequent Urination. Who would have thought that going to the bathroom too much could be cause for concern? But this is one of the most common signs of diabetes. And if you consume alcoholic beverages on a daily basis, you are just going to assume that your going to the bathroom often is the result of your drinking.

3. Fatigue. Who doesn't get tired every once in a while, right? But if that tiredness doesn't go away, then you may have diabetes. This is especially true if you are getting plenty of sleep and are eating healthy. Feeling tired all the time is the body's way of letting you know that something's wrong.

When it comes to diabetes, time is of the essence. Knowing how to spot these three subtle signs of diabetes can be lifesaving. If you or someone you love experience any of these symptoms and they don't away, it would be smart to go see a physician as soon as you can.
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