
Urinary tract infection is a common problem that affects a lot of pet dogs these days. It is a painful problem that can cause a lot of discomfort to your dog. To be able to treat and prevent this problem, you should know what causes it in the first place. In this article, I am going to review the common causes of this problem and give you some tips to prevent it.

What is the cause of canine UTI?

A urinary tract infection is caused when bacteria enter your dog's bladder and start multiplying. Particularly, when your dog's urine pH balance is affected, these bacteria start proliferating very quickly.

How do these bacteria enter my dog's body?

Bacteria usually enters the urinary tract from outside the body through the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the body. If you do not bathe your dog regularly and if your dog is dirty, bacteria can also enter its body through its external urinary orifice.

How do I know if my dog has an infection?

A dog suffering from UTI tends to lick its genitals often. It tends to moan in pain while urinating. It tends to avoid food and remain inactive mostly. It also has great difficulty in urinating and tends to pass a few drops of blood while urinating. If your dog shows any of these symptoms, it could indicate the presence of an infection.

How is it treated?

It is usually treated with antibiotic drugs. These drugs, however, can have side effects such as vomiting for diarrhea. While they address the immediate problem, they do not prevent recurring infections in most cases. Recurring causes of canine UTI include dog bladder stones, birth defects in the urethra or bladder, canine kidney infection, bladder tumor or other disease that lowers the bodies resistance to infection such as Diabetes or Canine Cushings Disease.

This is why a lot of people these days have turned their attention towards natural remedies. These remedies do not cause any side effects and they can treat and prevent urinary problems in dogs.

What is the best way to prevent canine UTI?

Once you have a good understanding of canine UTI cause and symptoms, you can prevent this problem by taking some of the following steps:

• Always keep a bowl of filtered water for your dog. You can add a few drops of cranberry juice to water to reduce the risk of urinary problems (berries keep bacteria from clinging to the urinary tract and bladder walls).

• Make sure your dog urinates frequently and doesn't hold it in for too long. Taking your dog for an extra walk each day could encourage urination.

• Start giving a small dose of homeopathic remedies like berberis vulg and uva ursi to strengthen your dog's urogenital system. These remedies treat both the symptoms and the cause of canine UTI. They can treat and prevent a wide range of urinary problems in dogs. They also boost your dog's immune system and prevent recurring infections.

I hope the article gave you a good idea of canine UTI cause, signs, treatment, and prevention. By following the tips given in the article and taking the right preventive measures, you can prevent canine urinary problems easily.
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