
If your dog is a loved companion, you know when something isn't right. Constant scratching, whining, shaking and loss of appetite are just some of the signs that you may notice when your dog is not feeling well. When you know what to look for, you can then take the proper steps to provide treatment for the dog, whether that means a trip to the Veterinary Clinic or some other form of treatment at home.

Below is a list of common dog ailments that can cause your dog to become quite ill.

Ear Infection

Often times dogs will get an ear infection and the owner will not see many symptoms. Look for a brown discharge coming from the dogs ear. This can be a sign that an ear infection might be present. If you rub the area around the dogs ear, if you notice that your dog seems irritated by the action, this can also be a sign that an ear infection may be a problem.


Spread by mosquitoes, heartworm can be a devastating and fatal disease for a dog. Once a dog has heartworm, a trip to the Vet is necessary and strong medications are needed to return the dog to health. Symptoms that your dog may already have heartworm include: Coughing, breathing problems and general fatigue. Unfortunately these symptoms can take years to develop and can easily go unnoticed. Using heartworm tablets on a fairly regular basis can help to prevent this deadly ailment.


A common ailment in dogs, distemper is a virus spread in the air, saliva and feces of dogs. It usually infects puppies that have weak immune systems. Symptoms that your dog as this possible deadly ailment include: diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, loss of appetite and runny nose.


Just like in humans, diabetes is on the rise among dogs. Most often it is detected in obese dogs, it can be hard to determine if your dog has diabetes. Most often occurring in older dogs, some of the signs to look for include: excessive drinking, weight loss and excessive urination. If treated by a Veterinarian, it can easily be managed by changes in diet and providing some form of regular exercise.

While it may be tempting to save on the Veterinary bill and try to diagnose these ailments at home, it's always best to take the dog to the Vet and have it checked out. Better to spend a few dollars and ensure that your dog is getting the car that it needs. Often a quick trip to the Vet followed by a medication can cure your dog.
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