
When your dog has been diagnosed with canine diabetes, it is only natural to want to know all you can about this disease. There is no cure, but treatments can help keep your dog with you for years to come. Learning about complications of canine diabetes that can occur is an important way to prevent disaster.

One of the most common complications of canine diabetes is an increased vulnerability to illness and infection. Because of the higher blood sugar levels in your dog, bacteria have a great opportunity; the sugars provide food and breeding grounds optimal for infections. On the flip side, the higher bacteria count produces more sugars (from cellular division) and raise blood sugar levels even higher. The common types of infection are prostrate, urinary tract, and skin.

Three more of the possible complications of canine diabetes is cataracts, glaucoma, and uveitis. Cataracts usually develop within a year as a result of the high glucose levels and are a cloudy to white coloring in the eyes lenses. Cataract surgery can reverse these complications of canine diabetes so that your dog can see again. Glaucoma is a permanent loss of vision as a result of cataracts and is a leakage of protein from the lens into the eye itself. It must be treated immediately, or uveitis progresses into full glaucoma.

Diabetic neuropathy is one of the complications of canine diabetes that leads to a diabetes diagnosis. This condition occurs when your dogs back legs become weak. It may start small, as in a sluggish start or not wanting too run. Full progression can look as if your dog is about to start dragging his legs behind him.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is one of the most severe and dangerous complications of canine diabetes. Most commonly found in dogs with a delayed diagnosis, ketoacidosis causes a break down of your dogs vital organs like the kidneys and liver, as a result of sugar levels staying too high for too long. Ketoacidosis can also lead to permanent blindness without cataracts or glaucoma as the damage continues to include the eyes.
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