
If you are reading this, you probably have a diabetic pet and you want to know what you can do to make their lives as comfortable as possible. This shows that you are not only a responsible pet owner, but a loving master as well. It's not easy seeing your pet suffer a dreaded illness; however you can avail of an excellent dog diabetes treatment that will make life easier for your precious dog.

As you may have probably researched, diabetes is generally caused by a deficiency in insulin in your dog's body. Your best approach to this is by ensuring that you give your pet a diet packed with nutrients and exercise. It is also important that you schedule regular insulin shots with your vet-or if you prefer, do it at home yourself.

Now with regard to the food he takes, it is vital that you serve him low-fat and high-fiber, high-protein food. You cannot just give him unplanned snacks because unhealthy weight gain will aggravate his condition. A strict diet may prove to take more effort than usual but you need to stick with it for the dog's own good.

Natural supplements are also available in most canine specialty websites that are specifically aimed to alleviate the symptoms and effects of this disease. Certain herbs strengthen the insulin producing pancreas, regulate blood sugar levels and rectify urine problems. Some of these valuable herbs and elements that you should look out for are Bejak, Karela, Gymnema Sylvestre, Chromium, Galega Officinalis and Bilberry.

A proper insulin therapy is essential in treating diabetes in dogs. If you are unable to regularly visit the vet to get your dog's shots, you can actually administer the shots yourself. Find out the pet diabetic supply kit that you need and have them in stock at home at all times.

Of course, you cannot just go into giving your pet shots haphazardly. You must take the time to consult with the vet and learn how to administer, handle and store the insulin. Give your pet the shot with your vet around a few times before venturing to do it on your own. Your pet diabetic supply should include the basics: insulin, appropriate syringes, a safe container for used syringes, white corn syrup and urine glucose test strips.

Exercise is an excellent way to manage insulin levels effectively as it encourages better blood flow and makes absorption of insulin much faster. Go and take regular walks around the block with your dog and use this opportunity to bond with him as well. He may be understandably tired when you get home so give him a measured amount of healthy glucose source like honey or white corn syrup.

A dog diabetes treatment is only as effective as the pet owner who implements it correctly. While diabetes is not an easy ailment to live with for both you and your pet-it is worthwhile to know that you have added more happy and memorable years in his life because of it.
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