
As that of human, your dogs are also affected by several health problems. An unhealthy dog will make the owner always unhappy. There are several reasons that can bring unhealthy to your pets. Pollution, poor nutrition, stress and unhealthy lifestyles can lead to verities of illnesses. The rapid weather changes, exposure to harsh climatic elements, deficient in adequate exercise can also lead your dog unhealthy. These days, emotional and psychological problems like depression, anxiety, behavioral problems and physical ailments such as diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, cystitis, kidney and liver disease, skin disorders, obesity, thyroid dysfunction and other problems are becoming more and more common in domesticated animals.

There is a better way and that is to use Preventative Medicine by recognizing signs and symptoms and helping your dog by making appropriate changes in their life style, environment and diet. If you can find the symptoms and cause of the dog's illness we can fix it as early as possible.
Here I will point out some of the diseases, its symptoms and reasons

1. Arthritis
Arthritis usually affects one in evey five dogs over the age of seven. It is an inflammation of a joint.

Early signs are:

* lameness

* stiffness

* reluctance to move

* not getting around as easy

* trouble getting into or out of your car

* sensitive to touch

* trouble going up or down stairs.

Main reasons of dogs arthritis

* poor nutrition

* toxins in the body

2. Diabetes

Diabetes is primarily caused by overeating and obesity. The toxin has resulted in nutritional deficiencies.

Have your dog avoid diabetes by:

* Regular exercise

* Maintain stable weight

* Home cooked meal ... same time every day

* Raw food

* Veggies and fruits

* Several smaller meals

* Avoid commercial dog foods with the 4 D's.

* None of the junk food you are eating.

Dog diabetes is a disease in which your dog's body is no longer able to regular blood sugar levels.

Common symptom of diabetes in dog include:

* Excessive thirst

* Weight loss

* Frequent urination

* General weakness

* Lethargy

* Cataracts (in dogs)

* Recurrent urinary tract infections

* Change in appetite

3. Dog Bladder Infection

Dog Bladder Infections occur in dogs as young as two months and in those between the ages of two to ten years. This really means that they are the most common disorder in dogs. These are caused due to simple infections acquired from the environment, from stale food or more serious reasons like tumors and stones in the bladder.

Common Symptoms

* Loss of appetite

* Listlessness

* frequent urination

If bladder infection detected in early statge, corrective therapy is recommended. In most cases, early changes with an increase of fiber in the animal's diet and mild antibiotics cure the ailment. If this persist, an ultra sound scan have to be done to check any tumor is there in the bladder. These would naturally require the expertise of the veterinarian who may carry out a few clinical tests to determine the exact problem area. Once this is done, appropriate surgical procedures or medication may be adopted

4. Heartworm

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition caused by parasitic worms living in the arteries of the lungs and occasionally in the right side of the heart of dogs. The disease is spread by mosquitoes that become infected with microfilariae while taking a blood meal from an infected dog. Within the mosquito, the microfilariae mature into the infective larval stage. When the mosquito then bites another dog, cat, or susceptible animal, the larvae are deposited on the skin and actively migrate into the new host. Adult heartworms can live for five to seven years in the dog.

Early Infection No abnormal clinical signs observed
Mild Disease ----------Cough

Moderate Disease----------Cough, exercise intolerance, abnormal lung sounds
Severe Disease----------Cough, exercise intolerance, dyspnea (difficulty breathing), abnormal lung sounds, hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver), syncope (temporary loss of consciousness due to poor blood flow to the brain), ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity), abnormal heart sounds, death


The diagnosis of canine heartworm disease depends upon the following:

* an accurate patient history

* the recognition of varied clinical signs

* the use of several diagnostic procedures that may include:

* blood (serological) testing

* microfilaria detection and differentiation

* physical exam and clinical laboratory tests X-ray (radiology)

* angiography and ultrasound (echocardiography)

5. Heart and circulation problems

Heart and circulation health begins with a complete diet. Your dog's heart needs to be continually fed and nourished with a diversity of fresh whole food throughout his life. Vitamins, minerals, EFA's, and amino acids are very important.


* Fatigue

* Tiring more easily than normal

* Low pitched deep cough

* Labored breathing

* Restlessness

* Coughing during the night or after exercise

* Body swelling

* Bluish look to the tongue and gums

* Fainting

* Excessive weight loss (due to lack of appetite)

* A rapid and very slow heart beat

* The inability to get comfortable when trying to sleep at night.

Common conditions with heart and circulation problems:

* Heart murmur

* High cholesterol

* High blood pressure

* DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy)

* Thickening of the heart muscle

* Heart failure

* Irregular pulse

* Anemia

Steps to take to improve or eliminate heart disease:

* Feed your dog homemade organic food

* Dental care

* Reduce stress

* Regular exercise

* Avoid excessive salt

* Avoid exposure to toxins

* Learn about over vaccinations

* If pet is overweight, take steps to reduce his weight.

6. Parvovirus

Parvoviruses are a large group; almost every mammal species (including humans) seems to have its own parvovirus. Fortunately, each virus is pretty specific about what animals it can infect (i.e. the pig parvovirus will not infect people, the canine parvovirus will not infect cats etc.) The canine parvovirus will affect most members of the dog family (wolves, coyotes, foxes etc.).
Where does virus come from?

Remember that this virus has been around for nearly 20 years, is very hard to disinfect away, and is shed in large numbers by infected dogs. This means that there is virus everywhere: on every carpet, on every floor, in every yard and park. Virus is shed for the first two weeks or less after infection in the stool of an infected dog but only a tiny portion of infected stool (which could be months old depending on the environmental temperature and humidity) is needed to infect a non-immune dog. Some dogs become what is called "subclinically infected" which means they do not appear particularly sick. These animals tend not to be confined since no one knows they are infected thus they can spread virus around a large area depending on where they leave their droppings.

Why only puppies?

The most important factors in parvovirus infection seem to be the immune experience the host (dog) has had with the virus plus the number of viral particles the host is exposed to. Twenty years ago when the virus was new, all dogs young and old were susceptible but now, because the virus is present everywhere, all dogs, even the unvaccinated ones, have at least some immunological experience with this virus. Any exposure no matter how small is likely to generate some antibodies. Also, vaccination is a widespread process nowadays and it is likely that a dog has had at least one vaccine at some point. Will these antibodies be enough for protection? In general, the answer seems to be yes as infection in dogs over age one is somewhat unusual. It is important to realize, however, that this observation should not be taken to mean that adult dogs should not continue their vaccinations. Even though infection is somewhat unusual in adult dogs, adult dogs should still continue their vaccinations as this is a life threatening disease for which treatment is expensive and no chances should be taken.


FLUID THERAPY: One of the ways parvo can kill is via the metabolic derangements that occur with dehydration. It is crucial to replace the vast fluid losses (from vomiting and diarrhea) with intravenous fluids. Fluids are given as a steady drip rather than simply under the skin so that absorption into the circulation is direct. Potassium is usually added to the fluids in order to maintain electrolyte balance. Dextrose (sugar) is also frequently added as the stress of the disease may lower blood sugar especially in a very small puppy.

ANTIBIOTICS: The second way parvo kills is through bacterial invasion of the circulatory system ("sepsis.") Since the GI tract is damaged, antibiotics cannot be given orally. They are given either as shots or are added into the IV fluid bag. There are a number of antibiotics which may be selected. Some antibiotics you may see in use include:
7. Cancer
Cancer in dogs can occur at any age but as the dog grows older the likelihood of developing cancer increases.

Dog Cancer is also known as neoplasia or abnormal growth of tissues. There are a number of reasons for Dog Cancers besides old age. The environment, genes inherited from his lineage, repeated infestation of toxins in food and allied biological factors contribute to occurrence of cancers.


* Vaccines

* Commercial Pet Food

* Toxins In Their Environment ... In The Air, Water, Beds, Carpets

* Toxic Stress, Emotions, and Negativity

* Steroids

* Antibiotics

* Flea and Heartworm Pesticide Prevention


* Urinating or defecation problem

* Abdominal swelling

* Discharge of blood from ears or while vomiting

* Weight loss

* Lameness

* Chronic coughing

* Listlessness

I will add more information as soon as possible so please bookmark this page.
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