
Diabetes is one of the disorders of the body that can be managed with all cautions. There are various types of remedies - prescription medication, home remedies, Yoga, Pranayama, Homeopathy, and so on. 'Homeopathic medicine for diabetes' is not a new approach to cure diabetes. Homeopathic treatment has been in practice from long years as an alternative medicine. Though some people may question the concept of homeopathic cure option, there is sufficient evidence to claim that homeopathy cures diabetes. As an alternative system of medicine, homeopathy is quite safe and has no side effect. A minimum dose of homeopathic medicines can cure or even prevent diabetes in chronic conditions. It is a proven fact that homeopathic medicines are not only potent to reducing blood sugar levels but also extending help to promote health for overall wellness.

In this method of treatment for diabetes, Arsenic and Phosphorus are used. As Phosphoric acid and Lactic acid are best for treating diabetes, these two acids are used in this type of treatment. The treatment varies from one patient to another with individualization. The same medicine cannot be recommended in homeopathy for all diabetic patients. The doses are also adjusted to suit the body condition of the diabetic.

To start with, a homeopath diagnoses the actual condition of the diabetic body with elevated blood sugar. After a thorough case study, medicine is prescribed in line with the symptom of diabetes.

For example, many of the diabetic patients may report excessive thirst as one of the common symptoms. But detailed questioning is done as one patient may tell as if in need of much quantity of water in one take, and another patient may expose his thirst for frequent drinking with limited cups at intervals. Some may prefer warm water and some others cold cups. Treatment is given to suit the individual needs. The greatness of the homeopathic treatment is Mild and majestic with no side effects.
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