
Diabetes is becoming more common in people and pets alike. Experts say that one in every 300-400 dogs and cats seen by a veterinarian will be diagnosed with diabetes. The reason this could be is that our pets are living longer and are being fed more lest leading to being overweight. In dogs, diabetes mellitus is caused by an autoimmune disease that attack the insulin producing cells in the pancreas. Without enough insulin the blood glucose (sugar) levels rise. Obese dogs are more prone to the disease because being overweight is often associated with insulin resistance.

Be sure to feed your dog a high-quality low-fat diet and exercise them regularly. Some common signs of diabetes is excessive drinking and urinating, weight loss and loss of vision. If your dog shows any of these symptoms please schedule an appointment with your veterinarian immediately. Early detection is certainly key.

If your dog is diagnosed with diabetes please don't despair! Blood sugar (glucose) monitors are available through most veterinarians that help you monitor your dogs levels. Insulin injections are painless for your dog and with very little practice, quite simple for you to administer. There are prescription diets available that help and are readily available at most veterinary hospitals. Remember that diabetes is a disease you can successfully manage in your dog after some practice and coaching from your dogs veterinarian. Working closely with your vet you will be able to provide your dog with a good quality of life for many years to come. Our pets are our family and we can do many things to keep them with us for a good long time!
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