
Canine diabetes is quickly becoming a large concern for many dog owners. While this disease has no cure yet, managing it properly is important and can be done. It is crucial to your dogs health that diabetes is diagnosed as early as possible - before it becomes life-threatening.

Diabetes mellitus is the most common form of diabetes in dogs and is classified by a lack of insulin production or no response to the insulin that is produced. The symptoms of canine diabetes for this form are easily noticed. The natural production of insulin - and the bodys response to it - is vital. Insulin breaks down sugars that your dog eats through carbohydrates and fats. The broken down sugars are then used by your dogs muscles for energy. Without this process, sugars are stored in the blood.

One of the first symptoms is obesity. Sure, obesity is usually caused by feeding your dog too much too often or giving him table scraps all the time, but it is also related to the insulin process. When the sugars are built up in thee blood, they are eventually turned to fat. Excess fat leads to...you guessed it: obesity.

There are other more subtle symptoms of canine diabetes you should be aware of as well. Watch your dogs drinking and urination. Excessive drinking and dehydration, combined with excessive urinating are what you're looking for. Vomiting, weakness, and weight loss are also symptoms.

So if your dog is too far, too thin or throwing up all the time it is essential you take him for a check up at your local vets. Having your dog tested regularly is important so that you can start treatment before serious damage is done. If you notice any of these symptoms of canine diabetes, have him tested as soon as possible. You cannot afford to delay.
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