
If you change to the right diabetic dog food, you stand a chance of reversing the diabetes. Yes, you did read that correctly. No, I'm not telling you porkies. This may be dependent on the length of time your dog has had diabetes, and the treatment he has had. Although these factors are less important than the overall health of your dog.

I can be confident in making this claim because it is usually the food causing the diabetes in the first place. If you remove the cause, the effect goes away. What passes for dog food in the highly lucrative pet food industry is nothing short of shocking. Shocking because it is nutrient poor, so you're starving your dog.

Shocking because it often contains harmful filler such as sugar, which goes a long way to creating diabetes. Shocking because the claims on the label about being 'preservative free' are normally a blatant lie. How else can the indefinite long shelf life be attained? Shocking because the synthesised and isolated 'nutrients' will do nothing at best, and create havoc at worst.

By making the simple switch to feeding your dog a wholesome, raw, quality, home prepared diet, you will probably cure the diabetes. Wild dogs, the ancestors of your domestic dog, hunt and scavenge. Their food is raw, though not necessarily fresh. It contains muscle meat, organ meat and bones in the perfect proportion.

Don't ever be fooled by the exaggerated claims made by those who profit by the claims. No processed dog food can come close to the natural diet of wild dogs.

Holistic veterinarians around the world are claiming enormous health benefits when dogs are fed a quality, raw, balanced diet. It can cure not only diabetes, but other serious and chronic conditions such as infertility, leukemia and cancer, too.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments


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