
During a fight a cat's principle weapons are its claws and teeth. These can inflict puncture wounds or bites that can easily become infected. The problem for the cat owner is that these injuries are not easy to spot in the first instance as the wounds can be hidden by the fur.

Unless you tend to inspect your cats skin on a regular basis the first sign that your cat has been bitten may be when a swelling appears. This is an abscess which can be both unpleasant and painful for your pet. The cat will often be off its food and generally feel sorry for itself. Abscesses often appear on the cats head as this can be the main target for another cat in a fight. If you suspect that your cat has an abscess as the result of a bite you should take it to your vet. It may need surgery and or antibiotic treatment.

Another concern is that a cat bite can infect your cat with other microbes such as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or Feline Aids which can be fatal.

An unneutered tom is far more likely to wander and become involved in fights than either a Queen or a neutered cat. Unless you intend to breed from your pet then the case for having neutering is over whelming.

To try and avoid the problems that come with cat bites you should regularly check your cat for signs of fight injuries. Initially you can treat scratch of bite marks with an antiseptic but keep a watch for any sign of infection. Should you have any doubts then a trip to the vets is advised. The earlier treatment is commenced the better it is for the cat.

It is also advisable to make sure that you get your cat vaccinated. There is no current vaccination for FIV but you can get a vaccination against Feline Leukaemia Virus and this should be arranged through your vet. Providing that you keep a regular check on your cat and possibly chase off any battle scared toms that come into your garden you should hopefully not have too much of a problem.
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