
Diabetes mellitus, sugar diabetes is a complex disease and common. Feline diabetes strikes cats at an alarming rate. Feline Diabetes Mellitus is unable to produce insulin to balance blood sugar or glucose levels. If it is not treated promptly, leads to weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, dehydration, severe depression and functional complications, and leads to coma and death. The disease affects over four hundred cats. The symptoms are similar to humans. The recurrence rate of disease of cats is less than dogs.

Are the symptoms of feline diabetes-

1. excessive thirst is the first symptom of feline diabetes
2. increased appetite or less appetite
3. increased urination
4. the beginning of the disease within a few weeks
5. weaker back legs
6. peripheral neuropathy
7. Glucose in urine, glucose strips showing Keto or, ketones in the urine, showing an emergency from Strip
8. Apparent fragility
9. Skin thickening
10. Acute symptoms of lethargy
11. Softness
12. Acetone-smelling breath

Feline diabetes diet is given below-

The diet of feline diabetes can be based on two hypotheses. Is a high protein diet with low carbohydrate content, or it can be a diet high in carbohydrates, low in fat with high fiber.

Both of these diets are designed for lower weight and control blood sugar levels. The reactivity of each cat should be different based on the application of the diet plan.

Proteins and fats replace the low-carb diet. If the cats suffer from kidney, liver or intestinal diseases, the higher protein diet would not be suitable. Considering the health of cats, you choose the diet. The canned food for cats, Purina DM can be in this category.

Can be high-carb, high-fiber. The soluble fiber psyllium, added reduces the intensification of the conversion rates for the starch into glucose, and helps control glucose levels. Not to gain weight, is to lose weight. The foods in these categories are Hill's W/D, hills R/D, Purina OM. Determine the best diet. We monitor signs of high blood sugar, excessive thirst or urination and check for ketones using strips.

Treating feline diabetes are given below

Eighty-ninety five feline diabetes affected cats are similar to type 2 diabetes. The symptoms are diagnosed. Studies reveal that these cats are strongly dependent on insulin. The effectiveness of early treatment can perhaps treat cats of diabetes type 2.

However, increases leg weakness, malnutrition, ketoacidosis, dehydration and death of cats. Contains treatment once or twice daily insulin injections, diet and oral medications. Initially, the veterinarian must check and re-check the symptoms, signs and prepare for treatment planning. The veterinarian is to select the dose of insulin. Excess insulin can cause the death of cats.

To sum up, the basic remedies in this case may be-

1. insulin therapy
2. Oral medication in place of insulin
3. Blood Test and urine test
4. physical examinations
5. Behavioral signals establishing the insulin therapy
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