
An old cat with a bladder infection or urinary tract blockage can suffer miserably, but you can take action to stop her misery. A set of all-natural products is now available which can help you to treat your cat's urinary tract problems safely and gently without stressing the rest of her body.

Bladder infections in your elderly cat is similar to what humans experience and the symptoms can be very much the same. Tenderness and swelling in the abdomen, pain while urinating, the urge to urinate while producing little or no urine, lethargy, loss of appetite and fever are all signs of a bladder infection in your elderly cat. Since aging cats have more fragile systems, a bladder infection can cause more damage to your older cat and the faster you recognize and treat it the better your cat's chances.

In most cases, bladder infections are caused by a bacterial infection, bladder stones or a change in pH which may cause inflammation of the bladder. The use of commercial pet foods, poor storage methods and unclean feeding areas are the most common causes of a bacterial infection. An old cat with a bladder infection should always be provided with a natural (not commercial) raw meat diet and a clean eating area as well as clean litter boxes to prevent further spreading of bacteria.

If you suspect a bladder infection in your elderly cat take her to the vet immediately for a proper diagnosis. Often, a bladder infection is the result of a more serious underlying condition such as bladder cancer, diabetes or inflammation of the testicles. Once your vet has diagnosed the cause of the infection, he can recommend a proper course of treatment.

Generally, antibiotics or anti-inflammatories will be prescribed, but these medications can actually cause further harm by weakening your pet's immune system. For your older cat with a bladder infection or other urinary tract problems, weakening her immune system is not the smart path to take. The weaker the immune system, the less able your pet will be to fight off more serious illnesses. In order to maintain your pet's overall health, you'll want to give serious consideration to using natural products.

Unlike standard medication, herbal and homeopathic products use all-natural ingredients to not only fight the symptoms of urinary tract problems but strengthen the immune system to improve overall health. In terms of a bladder infection your elderly cat you can not be too careful choosing the proper ingredients in your treatment. The most effective products contain a combination of berberis vulgaris, cantharis, staphysagris and other plant based ingredients. These make all the difference when it comes to eliminating or preventing a feline urinary tract infection in your older cat.

What To Do for Your Older Cat...

Along with a natural treatment, providing your cat with a balanced diet, plenty of water and access to a clean litter box at all times is vital to combating bladder infections. For your older cat with a bladder infection, the more clean and comforting the environment, the better and quicker she'll be able to recover.

Bladder infections are never pleasant but they can be serious and even deadly in older cats, so it is essential that you consider all the options when it comes to preserving your pet's health. Natural products can provide a safe, gentle alternative which will make both you and your cat feel better. So don't hesitate to treat your older cat with nature's soothing touch!
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