
Although this infection is called ringworm, it is not caused by a worm. This is a fungal infection that affects many cats. The infection is contagious and can easily spread through direct contact. It can also spread through bedding, brush and other grooming devices that have been used by an infected cat. At times, the cat may not show any symptoms of the infection, but it could still be a carrier.

Usually if your cat is in good health, it will not suffer from this infection as its immune system will protect it. However, kittens under the age of one year and senior cats are susceptible to this fungal infection. Also, cats with compromised immune system or those that are under-nourished can easily catch a ringworm infection. Some breeds of cats such as Persian cats are also susceptible.

If your cat has a ringworm infection, it will have lesions on the skin. Initially the lesions will be limited to head, tail and ears. However, then they will spread to other parts of the body. The lesion will grow from a tiny dot to round one. It will not have any fur on it and the center will have a scaly appearance. The lesions can cause a lot of itching and as a result they may get inflamed. Sometimes, the lesions can have pustules too. As the infection spreads, your cat will start suffering from hair loss and the shedding maybe moderate to severe depending on the severity of the infection.

Ringworm can also affect the claws as well as the bed of the claws. If ringworm affects the claws, they will end up becoming distorted and brittle.

The moment you see the above mentioned symptoms of ringworm in your cat, you should go to a vet. The infection can be easily cured with the help of anti fungal creams that have to be applied on the infected part of the skin. You can also give your cat a sulfur dip, but be prepared to screw up your nose because of the odor. If the infection is particularly severe, then you may have to give your cat some oral medication.
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