Anyone who has a cat will have to at some point understand their cat's meowing. Some people, however may have a hard time knowing what their cats want from them, or their cat may be an excessive meower. Well, in case you need any help with any of this, here is a little bit of information to understand your cat more.
When a cat makes sounds, they have well over a hundred different sounds they can make, which is far more than dogs make. However, the meow is a sound which seems to be reserved for communication with their humans, only. There are occasions they may meow to each other, but in general, the cat meows to get their human's attention.
What a cat's meow can mean can vary. Some cats meow very rarely and only when they wants something in particular. For example, I once sat for a cat who would only give one meow softly when she wanted to jump on your stomach while you were laying down, and fall asleep there. But most cats will give you the infamous "feed me!" meow.
Most common during feeding time, you will often get a demanding meow from your cat when it's time to eat. Sometimes, they will beg, or if they hear a sound that sounds like you may be serving him, a few excited meows may escape from your cat's mouth.
The problem with cats who meow excessively for food is that most owners will feed the cat just to make them stop. However, cat diabetes is rampant nowadays with well meaning owners giving into their cats demands. If your cat meows to get food, don't give in. The results of an overfed can be many, from obesity to cat diabetes. Signs of cat diabetes are eating and drinking a lot along with weight loss, and sluggish or sad temperament. If it just seems like your cat isn't right, you should take your cat to the vet so he can be tested. Your cat may need daily insulin shots.
One tricks to make your cat stop obsessing and meowing constantly for a meal is to divide the meal up into two. Another is to put the food in a food puzzle so your cat has to work for a meal. It not only causes him to slow down with his meal, increasing the feeling of satiation, but gives him mental stimulation.
When a cat makes sounds, they have well over a hundred different sounds they can make, which is far more than dogs make. However, the meow is a sound which seems to be reserved for communication with their humans, only. There are occasions they may meow to each other, but in general, the cat meows to get their human's attention.
What a cat's meow can mean can vary. Some cats meow very rarely and only when they wants something in particular. For example, I once sat for a cat who would only give one meow softly when she wanted to jump on your stomach while you were laying down, and fall asleep there. But most cats will give you the infamous "feed me!" meow.
Most common during feeding time, you will often get a demanding meow from your cat when it's time to eat. Sometimes, they will beg, or if they hear a sound that sounds like you may be serving him, a few excited meows may escape from your cat's mouth.
The problem with cats who meow excessively for food is that most owners will feed the cat just to make them stop. However, cat diabetes is rampant nowadays with well meaning owners giving into their cats demands. If your cat meows to get food, don't give in. The results of an overfed can be many, from obesity to cat diabetes. Signs of cat diabetes are eating and drinking a lot along with weight loss, and sluggish or sad temperament. If it just seems like your cat isn't right, you should take your cat to the vet so he can be tested. Your cat may need daily insulin shots.
One tricks to make your cat stop obsessing and meowing constantly for a meal is to divide the meal up into two. Another is to put the food in a food puzzle so your cat has to work for a meal. It not only causes him to slow down with his meal, increasing the feeling of satiation, but gives him mental stimulation.
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