
Discovering that your child has diabetes can be a wrenching discovery for any parent. But, even so, it is best to to find out earlier than to completely miss the signs of diabetes in your child.

Diabetes in children, particularly really young children, can be difficult to diagnose. Even so, every year over twelve thousand children in the country are diagnosed with type one diabetes. Taking care of a child can be so time consuming and overwhelming in even the best of cases that the signs can be easy to miss, even if the adult is fully aware of the symptoms.

So what, exactly, are the symptoms of children with diabetes?

1) The need to urinate a lot - If you notice your child having to go to the bathroom a lot more than normal, or if he starts wetting his bed all of a sudden, be aware that this is one of the symptoms that many children exhibit when they develop diabetes. However, you should not be too concerned if this is the only symptom of diabetes that your child exhibits. There can be other reasons for increased urination such as urinary tract infection, the inability of the child to completely empty his or her bladder, or even Pollakiuria - known informally as Daytime Urinary Frequency Syndrome. Nevertheless, if your child is having to urinate a lot more than normal, you should take him in to see his pediatrician for a check up.

2) A dramatic loss in weight - This is one of the more extreme symptoms of diabetes in children because children do not normally lose weight. They gain weight. Other causes of dramatic weight losses in children are side effects of drugs and cancer. But, a child losing a drastic amount of weight in a short period of time is a dangerous sign, regardless of whether diabetes is involved, or not, and he should be taken to see the doctor without delay.

3) The need to continually drink water or other liquids - In children with diabetes, fluids are pulled from the tissues of the body. This is because as sugar builds up in the bloodstream, it eventually reaches the point where the body has to get rid of the excess glucose. It does this by eliminating the excess sugar via the urine. The body, however, cannot create urine without water. If the blood does not contain enough water, the body has no other choice than to extract water from the surrounding tissues. This, in turn, causes the body to become dehydrated which results in the thirst mechanism kicking in.

4) Extreme hunger - a child with diabetes can show exhibit hunger urges, eat constantly, and still never gain weight. This is because his body is unable to utilize the food that he eats. In effect, the food just flows through his body.

It is extremely unlikely that your child will recognize diabetes symptoms in himself. He has no idea of the symptoms and will generally look to you, as the adult, to care for him.

Fortunately, for you, however, when the symptoms of childhood diabetes manifest, they make their appearance rapidly and over a short period of time. The changes are not subtle. They are dramatic and should be hard to miss.
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