
Diabetes is a disease that can strike anyone. Adolescents and the young ones can show early signs of the symptom. However, those that are older can experience gradual changes in their bodies indicative of diabetes. Read the most common diabetes symptoms below.

Type 1 or Type 2There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes happens when insulin-producing gland in the pancreas has stopped production. Type 2 diabetes is a more common type of diabetes and happens when there is an insulin-resistance going on inside the body. Both types of diabetes can be genetically inherited and are affected by the way you live, and by the way you eat. So, if one of your nearest kin is affected by the disease, it is recommended that you have a check up to spot if you have diabetes.

Extreme Thirst, Hunger and UrinationExtreme thirst is one of the most common diabetes symptoms. A person with diabetes will find that he needs to drink water more then usual and at the same time, to urinate. Extreme thirst is called polydipsia, while extreme urinating is called polyuria. In most cases, these symptoms can also come with polyphagia or increased hunger.

Blurring of VisionWhen you're experiencing extreme thirst, hunger and urination, you should also keep a lookout on your eyesight. This is because a diabetic person can experience changes in the shape of his lens, resulting to change in vision.

Other symptomsThere are also other symptoms that may appear for individuals that may be afflicted with diabetes type 1 or 2. Below are other types of symptoms that you should watch out for, and the difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes - rapid change of vision- rashes all over the body- deep rapid breathing- nausea and abdominal pain

Type 2 diabetes - gradual change of vision- dehydration because of extreme thirst

So for anyone who loves his family, make sure to target diabetes symptoms and prevent it from crippling your health, or of your loved ones. And once you have found that you are experiencing such symptoms, better visit your physician for laboratory exams and diabetic testing.
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