
The signs of diabetes vary a lot from person to person. If you are a newly diagnosed diabetic, the signs which your body is showing are the hints of probable mismanagement of insulin. For those who have doubts in their mind of being diabetics these signs of diabetes can give them a better idea to know whether they are suffering from diabetic condition or not. If the symptoms are there it is better to consult the doctor who will arrange some blood tests, to get a clear picture.

If there is more sugar in the blood than required it means that the person is suffering from hyperglycemia

The body will show the following signs

--The person has to make very frequent trips to the restroom. The amount of urine each time will be also much greater than the routine volumes.

--Most often they have a quenchable thirst, they require a large amount of liquid to satisfy their thirst.

--Most of the time they are hungry, especially soon after eating.

--Though they are eating a lot to satisfy their hunger they are more tired. A feeling of fatigue is most of the time there.

--They have the short breath without doing much physical work.

If the hyperglycemia continues for a long period of time, these symptoms includes

--Stinging pain in the muscles can take place any time, which sometime can convert into a shooting pain. These actually depict some nerve damage

--In men the body can react by showing impotency

-- Blurring of vision

--A fruity smell in breath

--Cramping in stomach

--Vomiting and nausea

--Mental puzzlement

If you can detect the above signs in you it is better to consult the doctor and gather as much information about diabetes as you can.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments


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