
Diabetes of different types is known by a number of names. We will look briefly at the symptoms at each one of these type, to begin with they are namely Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational diabetes. These are the three categories that it has been divided into over a period of time.
Type 1 Diabetes was earlier referred to as juvenile - onset diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. In this type of diabetes the pancreas fails to produce insulin to effectively control blood sugar levels. It is developed in childhood or early adulthood and is generally life long. As a matter of fact it can strike at any time. These patients require regular insulin injections for survival. This type of diabetes is associated with autoimmunity, a condition that is not yet fully understood. Type 1 diabetes is caused by environmental factors like diet, viruses or is passed on genetically.
Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are as follows: fatigue, absence of menstruation abdominal pain, increased thirst, vomiting, nausea, weight loss despite increased appetite and increased urination.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common of them all. In this case the body does not produce the required amount of insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. It is the insulin that converts the glucose to energy for the body to make use of. Build up of glucose in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells causes two problems, right away, your cells are starved for energy and over a period of time the high glucose levels may hurt your kidneys, nerves, eyes or heart. Type2 diabetes also increases the risk of heart disease, kidney damage, blindness and nerve damage. Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are as follows, increased hunger, frequent urination, fatigue, dry mouth, increased thirst, headaches, loss of consciousness ( which is rare), blurred vision, weight loss (even though feeling hungry and eating), recent weight gain, frequent yeast infections and itching skin.
Gestational diabetes is prevalent in women and is usually detected at the time of pregnancy, normally during the fifth or sixth month. It is a condition in which the blood glucose levels are high during pregnancy. There is no particular reason as to why but it is a belief that the hormones produced during the time of pregnancy increase a woman's resistance to insulin thus impairing the glucose tolerance. There is a possibility of the patient developing Type 2 diabetes after the pregnancy. However, the condition is treatable but their offspring are more likely to be obese and at a risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later on in life. Most of patients are advised and treated only with a diet modification plan and moderate exercise, while some take insulin and other anti-diabetic medications. Normally Gestational Diabetes goes away after the infant is born. Symptoms of Gestational diabetes include, excessive hunger or thirst, excessive urination, recurrent vaginal infections, excessive weight gain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, bladder and yeast infection, blurred vision, unusual weight loss and irritability.
The symptoms are very similar in all types of diabetes. Fear sets in once a person is diagnosed with diabetes and that is easily understandable. At the same time let me tell you that it is not the end of the world. Your compliance with the doctor's recommendations will enhance the quality of your precious life.

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