
Are you tired of wondering if you have diabetes? Do you want to figure out how to stop adult onset diabetes cold?

Ten years ago that might have sounded like a foolish question. I have a friend whose waking blood glucose is high and a decade ago she would have been told to brace herself. Not any more. Today, you can reasonably expect to push back diabetes.

What can you do?

I'll give you three great techniques for turning back diabetes and one serious warning at the end:

1. Check your numbers and accept them. Adult onset diabetes symptoms are pretty black or white these days. In fact, you can check. Get your hemoglobin A1c done by doctor.

Or measure your blood glucose yourself. If your fasting blood glucose (not your waking glucose reading, that's different) is 126 mg/dl or higher, or your after-eating blood glucose is over 200 mg/dl on at least two occasions - you got it.

Don't fudge, don't fight. Go into action.

2. Keep exercising.

There's a myth going around these days that diabetics or pre diabetics should cut back on exercise. Nothing could be further from the truth. Careful diet and religious exercise is more effective than the most popular diabetes drug (metformin).

Get out and walk your 5,000 steps today.

3. Have your foot doctor cut your toenails.

I'm serious. Stop cutting your own nails. First, it's too easy to cut yourself on the feet (which can be dangerous if you do have adult onset diabetes). And second, it means you have to get a foot doctor and see him or her and they have to look closely at your feet regularly.

Warning: You might not catch the signs of adult onset diabetes before it kicks in. In a study published in 2007, fully 6,600 of 15,000 diabetes suffers reported no outward symptoms.

Let that sink in so you can appreciate how dangerous that is.  Over 40% of the diabetes sufferers in the study didn't recognize they had any symptoms.
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