
Diabetes is the term used by medical world to describe a illness whereby the body is unable to produce enough insulin, or the body is unable to use the insulin being produced. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and it removes the excess sugar content in your body and thus regulate your blood glucose level.

This illness is not uncommon, it is being easily overlooked as the symptoms of diabetes appears harmless. Just in the United States, there are more then 23.5 million people who have contracted diabetes. However, as long as you understand diabetes properly and take preventive measures to control your illness. Diabetes is not an illness to be afraid of and it is not fatal in most cases.

What are the symptoms of diabetes? There are several symptoms that can help you to detect if you have contracted diabetes. Some of the more common symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination , excessive thirst and unusual weight loss. No matter what, as long as your feel unwell, consult a doctor immediately for a body check up.

Diabetes is not a fatal illness and it can be controlled by medication. However, the symptoms of diabetes seems so harmless and it can be easily overlooked, this often cause the patient to seek help only when it is too late. Prevention is always better then cure and thus having a healthy lifestyle is more important. Exercise regularly and do not take in food that have too high sugar content. As the saying goes, you are what you eat. Therefore, there are some food that you should and cut down on if you have diabetes. First and foremost, you should try and eat only small amounts of food that are high in sugar. And you need to maintain a healthy diet of low fat and low salt intake.
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