
Of course you want to make sure your kids are safe.

Most symptoms of juvenile diabetes are very similar to early diabetes signs and symptoms in general. In most people, you'll see high blood sugar effects in plenty of time to treat them

But sometimes not in kids.

That's because they have no history of diabetes and you're not expecting it to hit so young. So you can mistake it for something else and when it gets serious you must act quickly to keep your kids safe.

So what are the symptoms of juvenile diabetes?

Generally, they relate to starving cells for glucose at the same time that excess glucose builds up in the blood. I you Google type 1 diabetes symptoms, you'll find lots of articles on it - frequent peeing and drinking, weight loss and wasting, weakness, and incessant hunger.

But some kids sometimes will experience very serious symptoms for diabetes. These come from ketone bodies building up in the blood and urine, leading to diabetic ketoacidosis.

And this, you must get help for at once.

How to recognize it: Your son will be hit with nausea, abdominal pain, and at times, vomiting. His blood will get thick like syrup. He'll get drowsy and may fall unconscious. And if the situation isn't corrected quickly, he may die. (If you ever have any question that this may be going on, call your doctor immediately).

The treatment is straightforward and uneventful when the problem is handled quickly.

The best course of action for you, is to never let your child get that advanced with symptoms of juvenile diabetes. The challenge with kids often is that they don't want to follow the diet and exercise program you put them on.

It's just not cool.

And peer pressure is more powerful than the specter of health problems for a young person.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments


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