
This is a very interesting question to hear. It hearkens back to the little children who ask if they need to brush and floss all of their teeth. While the typical response by their parent may be, "just the ones you want to keep", that answer doesn't really work satisfactorily for your blood sugar levels.

However, there are issues which are related to blood sugar that you might not be able to identify quickly enough if you don't stay up on that kind of information.

Let's talk about why it's a good idea to check these levels frequently:

Hyperglycemia: You've most likely heard of hyperglycemia, which is when your blood sugar goes up too high. Did you know that this excess of sugar can cause you to fall into a coma if left untreated for long enough? Did you know that this excess of sugar can actually blind you, or even cause you to end up needing to have part of your leg amputated?

If those kinds of symptoms are not a big deal to you, then the answer to the question above is that checking your blood sugar really isn't that big of a deal. However, since most people would consider having functional eyes and limbs to be factors of good overall health, you might want to at least consider keeping up with your blood sugar levels.

Hypoglycemia: You have most likely also heard of hypoglycemia, which is when your blood sugar goes down too low. In a condition like this, you may have eaten plenty of food, but your cells are essentially starving for the glucose they need just to continue to function. Granted, no two people are going to consider the same things vital for good health. But in the case of people who want to know why they're in danger of passing out, or experiencing bad headaches and unexplained aggressive tendencies, testing one's blood sugar can be a really important step.

While nobody can tell you what to do, when you have Type 2 diabetes it is highly suggested that you check your blood sugar level on a regular basis. And while you could always cop out that "a regular basis" may be every year around your birthday, it typically means several times per day otherwise how will you know which foods are giving you problems?

While pricking your finger (the most common site used) may be an unpleasant inconvenience, it will allow you to sidestep a lot of far worse problems, which may include unexpected visits to your local hospital's emergency room. Testing does not have to hurt... pricking your skin at the side of your fingers or thumbs usually does not.

To ensure you have a healthy, long life, the best idea is to check your blood sugar levels otherwise you will have no idea whether your diabetes diet is working.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments


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