
The importance of achieving normal blood sugar level range is linked to the prevention of few complications of high blood glucose level. Health care professional is of great help in determining the right blood glucose level targets. If the blood sugar level of the person is not within the ideal range of normal blood glucose level then the person may start to suffer from symptoms of diabetes as well as signs of a high or low blood glucose level.

Some signs of undetected type 2 diabetes incorporate high blood glucose level, hyperglycemia and many other things like extreme hunger excessive thirst, frequent urination, and fatigue, blurriness in vision, slow healing cuts and wounds. Sometimes the signs of high blood sugar remain unnoticed as these symptoms onsets gradually like the gradual increase in the level of blood glucose. Mild signs of diabetes remain unnoticed because different people have different level of awareness.

You must be wondering that how signs of diabetes remain unnoticed even if a person goes for the routine check up yearly. Unless a person has some signs that alert that he may be suffering from diabetes then there is no need to go for the additional testing for diabetes. There are chances that the fasting sugar level in blood at the time of the annual check up was normal. Likewise the random blood glucose test at the time of annual physical check up could be normal. In the same way even the HbA1c of the diabetic person could be normal if he is facing low as well as high blood glucose levels. This test represents only the average of the blood sugar values.

It is important to note any unusual signs or changes in the body. These signs or changes must be notified to the health care professional. Your doctor may better detect the importance of detailed screening. Generally if the signs of diabetes are seen in a person who has a family history of diabetes then doctors may straight away ask for a glucose tolerance test. This test may take more than 2 hours. It measures the body's response after drinking a sugar filled liquid. The level of blood glucose is measured after every half an hour. This 2 hour oral glucose tolerance test helps to diagnose diabetes. It can be further confirmed with the help of random and fasting blood sugar level.

Once the diabetes is diagnosed it has to be treated. Well controlled diabetes show normal range blood sugar levels. If the levels of sugar in blood are higher the condition is termed hyperglycemia. It indicates that diabetes is out of control. Some factors that results in an increase in the level of glucose in blood are infections, stress, skipping the diabetic medication and lack of routine exercise results in an increase in the level of blood sugar.
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