One of the most common diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, which occurs in two forms. The first, such as type 1 diabetes is known, caused by inadequate secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Diabetes mellitus type 2 response by the body's inability insulin causes. Both have similar symptoms, including excessive thirst, hunger and urination and weight loss. Laboratory tests for glucose in urine and high levels of glucose in the blood tends to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment of type 1 diabetes must regularly inject insulin, and some patients with type 2 diabetes can be treated with diet, exercise or oral medications. Diabetes can lead to a variety of complications, including kidney problems, pain due to nerve damage, blindness and heart disease. Recent studies have shown that the level of blood glucose control reduces the risk of developing diabetes complications considerably.
Diabetes insipidus is a lack of vasopressin, a hormone, which causes the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Patients often experience increased urination and thirst. Treatment is with drugs such as vasopressin synthesis, which helps maintain the body fluid balance.
Hypothyroidism is a thyroid gland, which causes a lack of thyroid hormones. The disorders causing hypothyroidism, and cretinism, better known as congenital hypothyroidism known. It develops in older people, usually after 40 years, and causes lethargy, fatigue and mental retardation. Congenital hypothyroidism, which is present at birth may, serious complications such as mental retardation if not treated they cause. are screening programs exist in most countries to test newborns for the disease. By providing the body of the thyroid hormone replacement therapy, almost all complications are completely preventable.
Addison's disease is caused by decreased function of the adrenal cortex. Weakness, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, dehydration, fever, and (tanning without sun exposure) are among the many possible symptoms. The treatment is to provide the body with hormones, steroids and replacement of salt restriction.
Cushing's syndrome is characterized by excessive secretion caused by glucocorticoids, including cortisol the subgroup of corticosteroid hormones by the adrenal glands. The symptoms can develop over many years before the diagnosis can and obesity, physical weakness, easily bruised skin, acne, high blood pressure and psychological changes are. Treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or by blocking the production of hormones, drugs.
by the excessive production of thyroid hormones, hyperthyroidism. The most common cause, because Graves' disease, an autoimmune disease in which the production of specific antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism is eight to ten times more common in women than in men. Symptoms include nervousness, sensitivity to heat, heart palpitations and weight loss. Many patients experience tremors, bulging eyes. Drugs inhibit the activity of the thyroid, thyroid surgery and radioactive iodine, the gland is destroyed remove frequent treatments.
Gigantism, both by a pituitary tumor that caused the overproduction of growth hormone, which stimulates an abnormal growth in certain parts of the body causes.
Diabetes insipidus is a lack of vasopressin, a hormone, which causes the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Patients often experience increased urination and thirst. Treatment is with drugs such as vasopressin synthesis, which helps maintain the body fluid balance.
Hypothyroidism is a thyroid gland, which causes a lack of thyroid hormones. The disorders causing hypothyroidism, and cretinism, better known as congenital hypothyroidism known. It develops in older people, usually after 40 years, and causes lethargy, fatigue and mental retardation. Congenital hypothyroidism, which is present at birth may, serious complications such as mental retardation if not treated they cause. are screening programs exist in most countries to test newborns for the disease. By providing the body of the thyroid hormone replacement therapy, almost all complications are completely preventable.
Addison's disease is caused by decreased function of the adrenal cortex. Weakness, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, dehydration, fever, and (tanning without sun exposure) are among the many possible symptoms. The treatment is to provide the body with hormones, steroids and replacement of salt restriction.
Cushing's syndrome is characterized by excessive secretion caused by glucocorticoids, including cortisol the subgroup of corticosteroid hormones by the adrenal glands. The symptoms can develop over many years before the diagnosis can and obesity, physical weakness, easily bruised skin, acne, high blood pressure and psychological changes are. Treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or by blocking the production of hormones, drugs.
by the excessive production of thyroid hormones, hyperthyroidism. The most common cause, because Graves' disease, an autoimmune disease in which the production of specific antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism is eight to ten times more common in women than in men. Symptoms include nervousness, sensitivity to heat, heart palpitations and weight loss. Many patients experience tremors, bulging eyes. Drugs inhibit the activity of the thyroid, thyroid surgery and radioactive iodine, the gland is destroyed remove frequent treatments.
Gigantism, both by a pituitary tumor that caused the overproduction of growth hormone, which stimulates an abnormal growth in certain parts of the body causes.
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