
It has been proven that diabetes is associated with many musculoskeletal disorders. It is not uncommon for chiropractors to have diabetic patients arriving at their office hoping they came to a place where they can get relief. Most chiropractors will probably help these types of patients at some point in their career if they haven't already.

What is Diabetes?

People are diagnosed with diabetes when their bodies are not able to keep the proper amount of glucose or blood sugar because of the inability to properly use insulin or produce it. It is rather common for patients to inject insulin themselves to keep the normal amount throughout their body, especially if it's type one diabetes.

There are several common symptoms of the diabetes condition, and they are:

1. Losing weight unintentionally

2. Dry mouth causing excessive thirst

3. Abdominal pain

4. Frequent urination

5. Abnormal pains

6. Fatigue

7. Irritability and problems with vision

These symptoms can occur overnight or over the time frame of several weeks. It is also quite common for these symptoms to occur over a number of years.

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment with Diabetic Patients

1. First of all, the diagnosis of diabetes is examined by a medical doctor, not a chiropractor. Diabetic patients that receive regular spinal manipulations may also receive guidance on exercises, that can be done at home, and great nutritional guidance.

2. The urine levels and glucose blood will usually go back to normal and continue to stay stable with the help of chiropractic adjustments.

3. Many chiropractic offices have a massage therapist that can help de-stress the body, increase circulation which then helps oxygen and nutrients move through the body.


About 5% of the population is affected by asthma. Wheezing, continuous coughing, chest pain, and difficulty breathing are just a few of the symptoms that asthmatic patients possess. It's possible for people to continue experiencing asthma attacks even while on medication or when using an inhaler. This is exactly where chiropractic care fits in.

It is believed that asthma in children is linked with the nervous system which is exactly the expertise of chiropractors. The ribs and spine assist in expanding the lungs with air. Any dysfunction of these areas will restrict the lung capacity, but increase the effort that is required to breathe. That is why asthmatics have such difficulty breathing, and this is also why chiropractic manipulations are beneficial to children with asthma.
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