
Type 2 diabetes, or adult onset diabetes is a chronic condition that usually occurs gradually. It affects the way your body metabolizes glucose (sugar). If left untreated it can be life threatening. So following a diabetes type 2 treatment plan is essential.

There is no cure, but the good news is, type 2 diabetes can be treated and managed. It does, however, require some lifestyle and dietary changes. All this can be a little overwhelming at first.

A normal blood glucose level is currently considered to be less than 100mg/dL when fasting, and less than 140mg/dL two hours after eating. The goal of treatment is to lower blood glucose levels and prevent diabetes related complications.

The treatment plan for diabetes includes: regular blood sugar monitoring, healthy eating, regular exercise, and possibly medication or insulin.

Blood sugar monitoring is the only way to ensure that glucose levels remain within the target range. Glucose levels are influenced by a number of factors including, but not limited to: food, physical activity, illness, stress, and for women- fluctuations in hormone levels. Your doctor will tell you how often you should check your blood sugar.

Healthy eating is essential. What and how much you eat will affect your blood sugar. You should decrease the amount of animal product and sweets in your diet and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Regular exercise such as a brisk walk or bike ride can help significantly lower your blood sugar. But remember, if you have not been active in a while, start slow!

Some people can use diet and exercise alone to control glucose levels, while others may also require medication or insulin. Your doctor will determine what is best for you.

Working and listening to your health care provider is the key factor in finding what type 2 diabetes treatment plan is right for you.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments


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