
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be more interested in alternative (i.e., natural) treatment instead of traditional (i.e., chemical) treatment. In many cases, with Type 2 diabetes, no medication is even needed, as blood sugar levels can be controlled with a proper diet.

With that said, there are many natural treatments that can help to get blood sugar levels back in the normal range. There are three supplements that reportedly help. They include chromium, magnesium, and vanadium. Discuss all three of these supplements with your doctor before taking them.

Many natural foods also help with blood sugar control in Type 2 diabetes. These include sage, buckwheat, okra, peas, brewer's yeast, fenugreek seeds, and broccoli and other greens. These foods help because they are high in fiber. Certain herbs also reportedly help, including hawthorn, nettle, ginger, ginseng, and garlic.

For diabetic weight control, consider chromium, germander, aristolochic acid, chitosan, pyruvate, sauropus andogynus, hydroxycitric acid, and momordica charanta.

Aside from these natural products, other potential treatment for diabetes includes aromatherapy, relaxation, herbal remedies, massage therapy, hypnosis, yoga, chiropractic treatments, and acupuncture. It is vital that you discuss any alternative treatment that you wish to try with your medical doctor. You would be surprised to learn that many doctors are big believers in natural treatments as well.

Again, do not take any alternative substances or treatments without discussing them with your doctor. You should also avoid treatments that involve more than one herb at a time, and don't buy into the hype. Many less than scrupulous product makers make outrageous claims. Make sure that you stick with products that have scientific data to back them up.

If you experience any side effects with your alternative treatment, discontinue it immediately and contact your doctor. Make sure that you track everything that you put in your body, so that he knows how to best treat your diabetic condition, as well as the side effects that you are experiencing.
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