
Diabetes is a disease with increased blood glucose above normal. Where blood glucose levels regulated by the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas. Increasing the number of people with diabetes these days is very fast, and many of them do not realize the seriousness of the disease. This is because some people do not feel the emergence of symptoms of diabetes.

Many people still assume diabetes is a disease or illness of parents who simply result from hereditary factors. Yet, each person can have diabetes, both young and old, including you. However, you need to understand is you are not alone.
It is unfortunate that many people with diabetes who did not realize he was suffering from a disease that is more often referred to as diabetes. This may be due to lack of information about diabetes in the community, especially the symptoms.

Some common symptoms that are frequently asked to doctor. Some symptoms of diabetes you need to know is:

1. Polyuria (excessive passage of urine) Polyuria definition is a condition in which urine is released very much. Some causes of Polyuria is Insipidius diabetes,
diuretics (chemicals that make rapid urine), and hypercalcemia (the number in the body kalisum much larger/more than normal.
2. Polydipsia (abnormal thirst)
3. Polyphagia (pathological desire to eat)
4. Weight loss
5. Ease of infections such as yeast or fungal infections on the genitals

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin. This occurs when the body tissues (eg muscle), not responsive to insulin and therefore can not use the energy of blood glucose. The pancreas responds by producing more insulin. In addition, in the liver, where glucose is stored, releases more than that to try increase the availability of it.

Eventually, the pancreas becomes unable to produce enough insulin and the network becomes more resistant to it. As a result, blood glucose levels began to rise gradually.

It may take several years to reach the level of sugar in the blood that will cause the onset of symptoms. The symptoms may be only very subtle, and sometimes such symptoms listed above are not detected at all, so that should be suspected in elderly people who started with one of them, and confirm the disease by measuring sugar blood levels (Glycemia).
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