
Type 2 diabetes is considered less serious than type 1. In fact, a sufferer can often spend a long time, even years, without knowing that they have the condition. The cause of type 2 diabetes is unknown, however that is not to say that there is speculation drawn over the probable causes. Some scientists argue that obesity is the cause of type 2 diabetes, although this is not proven, there can be no doubt that a larger percentage of type 2 diabetes sufferers are not diabetic than the national average. Another similar demographic profiling of sufferers of diabetes indicates that type 2 diabetes becomes a problem more likely with age. It is also suggested that being exposed to cow milk too young age could be a factor, as well as related food and chemical exposure. Because the factors that could cause diabetes are unclear, you should be more worried if they aren't showing symptoms of diabetes, rather than asking if you have been exposed to or fit the profile of someone who is likely to have.

More thirsty than usual

If you notice that they drank a lot more than you normally would then this could be an indicator. This is also something that can be caused by a variety of other things, so you should not assume that you have diabetes based on this factor alone.

Need to use the toilet more

If you need to use the toilet, especially at night, this means you could have diabetes type 2. It is noteworthy that this may relate more to drink and should only be a consideration when present at the same time other factors. This and being thirsty are obviously related.


Feel tired and fatigued can be caused by diabetes type 2. If you feel this at the same time as other factors certainly you should consult a doctor.

Weight loss

Type 2, as well as those who suffer from diabetes type 1 too often experience a weight loss before correctly are treated by a doctor.

Infections of the skin and itching

Skin infections, not too dissimilar from eczema in appearance, can be caused by diabetes. If you feel increasingly compelled to scratch yourself, this is another strong indicator.


Stomach cramps are often something that is a result of untreated type 2 diabetes. If you are noticing symptoms along this line, at the same time as others mentioned, you should seek professional help.


Constipation is commonly present in people suffering from type 2 diabetes that have gone untreated. Constipation with stomach cramps are very common symptoms.

Blurred vision

If you have blurred vision whatsoever, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor immediately because it is very serious if you do not have diabetes. A doctor will be able to tell you if you have type 2 diabetes or not.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments


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