
Before knowing what the best treatment for type 2 diabetes is, we should at least have some idea on what type 2 diabetes is. That way, we would be more knowledgeable of what it is and not be misinformed about the whole disease. This is the condition of a relative lack of insulin in the body and the inactivity of the remaining amount of insulin in the body to interact with the sugar and fat we consume in our diet. The link between the increased amounts of bad fats (trans-fats) in the body and suffering from this kind of health problems is very obvious, thus making a lot of people conclude that effective treatment should include the elimination of "bad fats" and the increase of "good fats" in the body.

One such "good fat" that is water-soluble omega 3. Physicians have come into an agreement that bad fats such as omega 6 acids should be avoided and at the same time, omega 3 fats should be consumed in generous amounts by patients suffering from this problem. Some patients have attested that by using the omega 3 method, it takes around a year for their symptoms to subside, and if the patient has been diagnosed only recently, the shorter time it will be for omega 3 to take effect.

If this treatment for type 2 diabetes were to be followed, the patient should avoid oils such as canola and hydrogenated varieties. Instead, he or she should consume more olive, sunflower and flaxseed oils.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments


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