
Type diabetes and type 2 diabetes share many signs and symptoms. The right knowledge about earliest signs of diabetes is critical as it provides a person an extra edge in the treatment as well as control of his diabetic medical condition.

Excessive Urination: It is the most common and alarming diabetic symptom. Unfortunately the kidneys, which are the major organ of our body, become loaded with plenty of glucose. This loading of surplus glucose takes place as the malfunctioning cells are unable to utilize the provided glucose properly. The excessive glucose is then flushed out of the diabetic body by extracting excessive fluids from the body. This extraction of excessive fluids leads to another warning sign of diabetes.

Greedy Thirst: The kidneys of diabetic body have to work hard for flushing glucose out of the body; as a result the diabetic person feels that he is always thirsty. If any one has a greedy thirst despite drinking jugs of water then it is better that he should go for a diabetes screening test.

Unexplained Weight Loss: Diabetes and obesity are closely linked with each other. Unexplained weight loss as a symptom of diabetes looks counterintuitive. Unexplained and sudden weight loss is a typical diabetic symptom of type 1 diabetes. In this type of diabetes the pancreas of the body stops insulin production. This occurs because of a viral attack on pancreas. The cells of the body then start to starve of energy. These starving cells then have to use muscle as well as fat mass for energy production. This results in an unexplained as well as sudden loss in weight.

Fatigue And Tiredness: Glucose is the major culprit here. The diabetic cells are unable to extract surplus glucose from the stream of blood for energy production. This inability of cells gives the feeling of complete exhaustion.

Tingling And Numbness In Extremities: This sign of diabetes onset over a period of time. The elevated level of blood glucose causes damage to the nerves. Though it is a slow process but in most cases the damage starts to occur even before the diagnosis of diabetes.

Slow Healing Cuts And Bruises: Damage to the nerves and poor blood circulation result in slower healing of wounds particularly at extremities. At times the diabetic person is unable to feel the sore because of numbness. The underlying cause of the sore and infections is also poor circulation of blood. Decreased blood flow does not permit oxygen to reach the wound. The white cells remain unable to destruct the harmful bacteria and the wound gets even worse.
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