
Signs of Diabetes in Men

Signs of diabetes in men, you might think would be an easy subject. But from a man who has been diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes, it is clear that it is not that simple.

It could be said that my own case study is a typical example of a man being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My visit to the doctor was due to tiredness and chest discomfort, it was only after I was diagnosed that someone said that my breath had been smelling a bit sweet for a while so you might say that the latter could be listed as one of the signs of diabetes in men but this would also apply to the female sex.

It would appear that there are no typical signs of diabetes in men that can be picked up on; diabetes is more often diagnosed as a result of blood being tested for some other condition and the results showing an above normal blood glucose level. In other words there is sugar in the blood that the body is failing to absorb and use.

As already mentioned, my general practitioner sent a sample of my blood for analysis and if there was to be a problem it was expected to be cholesterol. However I was quickly asked to go for a repeat test and then for a glucose intolerance test where I firstly had a fasting blood test and then had to drink a measured amount of a sugary drink to be tested later to see if my body could cope with the intake of glucose. No it could not and I have to live with type 2 diabetes for the rest of my life.

I have read that one of the signs of diabetes in men is being overweight or even obese. This is not one of the signs of diabetes in men but a probable cause. Another possible reason for developing type 2 diabetes is that it is in your genes, which is the case with me. I am not overweight and never have been and yet now have this chronic condition. But both my mother's sisters were type 2 diabetics so the likelihood is that no matter how good a lifestyle I would eventually suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing health problems in the world today with thousands walking around undiagnosed. Yet it is takes a simple test and so little time to discover whether or not you are one of the unlucky ones to be diabetic. The bad news may be that it cannot be cured but the good news is that it can be controlled with a sensible diet, drugs and exercise.

So, although there is no definitive list of signs of diabetes in men, do not be one of those men who ignore the possibility or probability. Catch the condition early and be put on a control programme. The alternative is that if you do ignore it you may develop problems with your eyes, kidneys and feet that may still be controlled but irreversible damage has also been done.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments


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