
Approximately 8% of all Americans suffer from diabetes. This represents around 24 million Americans and this figure has increased about 15% over the last 2 years. In addition it is estimated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that around 57 Million Americans suffer from pre-diabetes, which involves blood sugar abnormalities. This represents a significant percentage of the population and, while in most cases treatable, can greatly affect the life of the afflicted.

The main symptom of diabetes is the decreased production and effectiveness of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas, which is responsible for controlling the absorption of glucose into the body. Glucose, a sugar, is used for energy and when insulin is low or ineffective, the body begins to use fat in place of glucose for energy.

Diabetes can be classified into 3 categories. Type 1 diabetes involves an insufficient production of insulin. Type 2 diabetes involves a resistance to insulin, which is compounded by reduced insulin output. Gestational diabetes is found in 2%-5% of pregnant women and is very similar to Type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes often disappears or improves after child birth, but it can adversely affect the baby and a large percent of the women affected will develop Type 2 diabetes later in life.

There are several common symptoms of diabetes, but the most common symptoms are frequent urination, thirst, increased fluid consumption, and amplified appetite. In children Type 1 diabetes is most common and often the symptoms can develop in a few months or even weeks. Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes is usually much slower to develop. Weight loss is another symptom of Type 1 diabetes, but this is not usually found in Type 2 diabetes.

One common side effect of diabetes is that wounds take much longer to heal. This puts the body at increased risk of infection and often can result in the need for amputation of the foot and lower extremities. Proper foot care is essential, because an open sore on the foot can quickly result in a foot ulcer. The risk of fungal infections, heart attack, and stroke are also increased. Many diabetic people also wear special socks that allow for better breathability, reduce foot sweat, and have no seams or edges that could cause a foot irritation.

Insulin has been used to treat diabetes since the early 1920's. Shots of insulin are most oft used to control diabetes, but special insulin pumps can be used and recently an oral form of insulin was developed. Drugs that help increase the sensitivity of the body's tissue to insulin are also commonly used in Type 2 Diabetes.

Maintaining a proper diet and exercising regularly is also very important for the control of diabetes. Often this can be used to effectively treat Type 2 diabetes. Eating the right types of food and sugars is imperative and can mean the difference between life and death.

Diabetes can be effectively treated, but in most cases can not be cured. It affects many Americans and those across the World, but people with Diabetes can still live full and productive lives.
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