Diabetes symptoms are your final reminder that -- if you want to avoid diabetes Type 2 -- it is time to get serious about your weight and your exercise habits. You may already know that 97% of dieters regain all the weight they lose (and often more!) within five years. You need a diet that you can live with.
Diabetes runs in both sides of my family. Both my grandmothers were heavy Southern ladies who died of heart disease caused by diabetes. I knew instinctively from a young age that I never wanted to suffer that same fate.
Motivation I had; Now, I needed Information
What I sensed at age ten was that being grossly overweight had a lot to do with diabetes, in most cases. Choosing to adopt an athletic hobby was also natural, after observing all the unhealthy sedentary elders around me.
Finding the missing piece of the puzzle -- a healthy diet plan -- took me until the age of twenty. Confirmation that I was on the right track didn't come until age sixty, when I found a leading diabetes doctor's book. It gave me exactly what I was looking for, a program to avoid diabetes symptoms and all medications.
Interestingly, these simple dietary and exercise changes are effective 71% of the time when consistently applied by patients 60 years old and over, compared to only 30% success for those who used a drug to prevent diabetes. (This was proven in the Diabetes Prevention Study of high-risk subjects, as reported by the Center for Disease Control.)
Common diabetes symptoms are
1) Lack of energy;
2) Excessive thirst and urination;
3) Unexplained weight loss; and
4) High blood glucose levels.
These symptoms are your body's way of telling you that the rules of how you will live and eat are changing permanently -- and soon! They are your last warning that you can change your ways easily now... or suffer escalating consequences in the near future.
If you don't want your life to be ruled by medications and daily insulin shots, frequent doctor visits, progressing up to painful neuropathy, blindness, kidney disease, and possibly even the amputation of your feet, etc., it will be wise to take action now.
Diabetes is such an easy medical problem to prevent or even reverse. It only takes three things -- correct knowledge of how to eat, some moderate daily exercise, and willpower.
Come on! All one has to do, typically, is to lose 5-7% of your body weight by eating healthier foods and doing one half hour of moderate exercise per day, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and other experts. How hard can that be?
Losing Weight Permanently Is Impossible With Most Diets
The key thing is to not waste time with "loser" diets that you can't stay on. You know, the diets that temporarily starve you, until you scream, "Enough!" and get back to eating everything in sight.
The battle against diabetes symptoms is one you can't afford to lose.
When you begin experiencing diabetes symptoms, you need a diet that you can comfortably stay with for life. No, not a "life sentence" of deprivation, but some general rules of how to eat that will still allow you some occasional flexibility.
At this point, you can still reverse your incipient diabetes symptoms. You can cure yourself of this terrible disease before it gets much worse.
Diabetes runs in both sides of my family. Both my grandmothers were heavy Southern ladies who died of heart disease caused by diabetes. I knew instinctively from a young age that I never wanted to suffer that same fate.
Motivation I had; Now, I needed Information
What I sensed at age ten was that being grossly overweight had a lot to do with diabetes, in most cases. Choosing to adopt an athletic hobby was also natural, after observing all the unhealthy sedentary elders around me.
Finding the missing piece of the puzzle -- a healthy diet plan -- took me until the age of twenty. Confirmation that I was on the right track didn't come until age sixty, when I found a leading diabetes doctor's book. It gave me exactly what I was looking for, a program to avoid diabetes symptoms and all medications.
Interestingly, these simple dietary and exercise changes are effective 71% of the time when consistently applied by patients 60 years old and over, compared to only 30% success for those who used a drug to prevent diabetes. (This was proven in the Diabetes Prevention Study of high-risk subjects, as reported by the Center for Disease Control.)
Common diabetes symptoms are
1) Lack of energy;
2) Excessive thirst and urination;
3) Unexplained weight loss; and
4) High blood glucose levels.
These symptoms are your body's way of telling you that the rules of how you will live and eat are changing permanently -- and soon! They are your last warning that you can change your ways easily now... or suffer escalating consequences in the near future.
If you don't want your life to be ruled by medications and daily insulin shots, frequent doctor visits, progressing up to painful neuropathy, blindness, kidney disease, and possibly even the amputation of your feet, etc., it will be wise to take action now.
Diabetes is such an easy medical problem to prevent or even reverse. It only takes three things -- correct knowledge of how to eat, some moderate daily exercise, and willpower.
Come on! All one has to do, typically, is to lose 5-7% of your body weight by eating healthier foods and doing one half hour of moderate exercise per day, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and other experts. How hard can that be?
Losing Weight Permanently Is Impossible With Most Diets
The key thing is to not waste time with "loser" diets that you can't stay on. You know, the diets that temporarily starve you, until you scream, "Enough!" and get back to eating everything in sight.
The battle against diabetes symptoms is one you can't afford to lose.
When you begin experiencing diabetes symptoms, you need a diet that you can comfortably stay with for life. No, not a "life sentence" of deprivation, but some general rules of how to eat that will still allow you some occasional flexibility.
At this point, you can still reverse your incipient diabetes symptoms. You can cure yourself of this terrible disease before it gets much worse.
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