
Generally the signs and symptoms of diabetes can be divided into two groups:

1- Symptoms common for both types of diabetes, and

2- Symptoms specific to the type of diabetes

1- Symptoms common for both types of diabetes:

Even though type 1 and type 2 diabetes are very different in their origin, they can both have very similar symptoms.

One of the most obvious symptom that people usually notice as something unusual in their daily routine is increased urination (polyuria) and increased thirst (polydipsia), which are both result of high levels of blood sugar (high concentration of glucose circulating in the blood).

Both types of diabetes can develop these symptoms, the only difference is that in type 1 diabetes they develop more rapidly and can lead to an acute condition. Whereas in type 2 diabetes the symptoms are mild and develop gradually over a period of weeks, months and even years.

Increased urination and increased thirst occur as a result of an inadequate amount of insulin or insulin resistance in diabetes, which then results in the increased blood glucose (hyperglycemia). Because without insulin blood glucose cannot be used by cells, it circulates in the blood stream and eventually is secreted by kidneys into the urine, where it binds to water. As a result, more urine is excreted hence the increased urination. And because more body water is lost through urination people have increased thirst to replace fluids.

Other symptoms common for both types of diabetes include drowsiness, low energy levels, lethargy, blurred vision and nausea.

2- Symptoms specific to the type of diabetes

People with type 1 diabetes can develop a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a condition where the blood becomes too acidic due to an increased level of ketones (ketoacidosis). This condition occurs if a type 1 diabetic does not take their insulin and as a result develops hyperglycemia. However due to absence of insulin body cells do not receive glucose, which serves as a body fuel energy. But because body needs energy to survive it stars breaking down its fat tissue that produces ketones. Though, the body cells utilize only some energy from ketones. The first symptom of ketoacidosis is excessive thirst and urination, rapidly developing into abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. If left untreated it can lead to emergency situation, or even coma and death.

People with type 2 diabetes can develop a condition called hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar nonketotic coma (HONK), where the levels of blood glucose become extremely high, usually as a result of extreme body stress such as during severe infection or using some drugs. The first symptom of HONK is excessive thirst and urination, and if left untreated extreme hyperglycemia can progressively cause extreme loss of body fluids which then leads to severe dehydration, fatigue, drowsiness, mental confusion and seizures.
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