
One of the major problems with diabetes, is that it often goes undetected for a long time. It is not unusual for patient to be diagnosed several years after contracting the illness. In this time a lot of damage can occur.

So what are the symptoms of diabetes? It is not uncommon for a diabetic to have one or all these following symptoms.

Overwhelming tiredness, to the point of not being able to function properly.

The desire to urinate more frequently. Often several times a night.

An unquenchable thirst.


Sweating more and sometimes getting the shakes.

A feeling of panic.


Pain especially in the feet or toes.

All of the above symptoms can be associated with other problems and does not therefore mean that the diagnosis is diabetes. However, someone with one or more of these problems would best be advised to see their doctor.

Symptoms of diabetes vary so much between patients. That is why it is so hard to spot in the early stages. In fact some patients never feel any different until they are diagnosed. Perhaps going in to see their doctor with something completely unrelated. Generally though, you are likely to feel one or more of the above.

When glucose builds up in the blood. The patient feels more tired. When glucose is too low in the blood. The patient starts to feel faint and shaky. Diabetes is all about how much glucose is in the blood, and how the body uses it.

With medication these feelings can be kept to a minimum. Good diet and exercise will almost always help. So you can clearly see that the symptoms of diabetes cover a wide range of feelings. It is always wise to see a medical practitioner if you feel any of the above as soon as possible.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments


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