
It seems that the number of people getting inflicted with diabetes increases year by year. This is indeed an alarming phenomenon and if no one heeds the call to regulate and control diabetes, many people will be in a precariously unhealthy situation.

Diabetes knows no barrier and it can attack anyone irrespective of color, gender or age. Despite campaigns worldwide on the dangers of diabetes and the insistence of controlled sugar consumption, the occurrence of diabetes goes unabated.

There are many natural remedies to combat and eliminate diabetes but doctors sadly still go for the prescription pad to combat the disease. Imagine the effect of treating diabetes using, say, an anti diabetic drug that has an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality as one of its side effects? How ironic.

Simply, it is what you consume that can cause diabetes. So we must be very selective in the type of foods that we take everyday. You have to practise wise eating. Only then will you be able to keep diabetes at bay. The range of food that you can eat without is enormous. You can consume, without restriction, any amount of fish, fowl, vegetables, and meat (with restraint). These foods can be prepared for feast fit for a king.

Enjoy your meals if you must but if you sort of having the symptoms below, then it is better that you go for a health screening to eliminate diabetes:

1 You have the tendency to urinate very frequently and you always feel hungry and thirsty.

2. You tend to lose weight very easily without any effort. Again you would feel lethargic and tires easily.

3. You will experience blurred vision

4. There is numbness and tingling sensation in your limbs

5. Your skin tends to be very dry and there is itchiness.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments


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