
Dogs can have fevers just like us human beings. It is sometime hard to detect their illness because all dogs has instincts which is passed down from generation to generation by their ancestor to hide their weakness. You will have to learn your pet behaviours under normal conditions and need to have good observation skills to catch some clues on your dog sickness.

Here are some of the early signs of dog illness symptoms:

Loss of appetite

If your dog skips their food for more than once then you can suspect that their is something is not right. Your dog might have some kind of diseases so you should call your vet right away and do the check up to know the real causes of decrease in appetite.

Excessive drinking

Your dog will be producing more urine and you can notice your pet extra water consumption easily. This is usually the cause of diabetes or kidney disease.

Dull coat

A healthy dog always has a thick and shiny coat. A rough and dry dull coat indicate that something wrong. The problems could be allergy from food, tick or flea bite and another skin problems.


Your dog has no interest to go for a walk, play or do other activities. It is quiet hard to diagnose lethargy symptoms because there are many causes such as having fever, infected with parvo virus, poisoning and many more so it is better to talk to your vet for accurate diagnosis.


Vomiting in dog is not as serious as human. They usually vomit to get rid of something that they has eaten earlier for example grass and some other stuffs in the garbage. Call your vet immediately if your dog vomits frequently, depressed, having a fever, vomit contain blood because this is the signs of diseases.


For healthy dog their stool will be firm, small, and moist. If your pet have hard and dry stool mean that your pet need to drink more water. If the feces contain rice-shape object indicate that your dog is having worms in their intestine.

The early signs mentioned above is only the beginning that can lead to other types of dog illness symptoms so if your pet is not feeling well then you should talk with your veterinarian to get the accurate diagnosis and effective treatments.
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