
Searching for the best diabetic dog food should lead you to a cure, rather than simply to stop the symptoms getting worse. The reason being is that the food you feed your dog may be the cause of the diabetes.

You may well be insulted by this remark. After all, you do your best. You choose the best dog food recommended by your learned and trusted veterinarian. Surely they know best? And it isn't as if you buy cheap food. You may be spending a lot on the dog food that you believe is the best.

Let's run through a few facts that may lead your vet to recommend a product.

Universities around the world are finding the financial burden greater and greater as inflation and recession take their toll. All universities are looking for ways to reduce their financial burden. One way is to take advantage of the carrots wealthy companies danger in front of them.

The pet food industry is hugely lucrative and wealthy. When representatives help universities, they do so as long as they can influence the students, as they know this will lead to increased profits from recommendations.

However, it doesn't mean the information is good or accurate.

Most commercial dog food starts off with low quality meat, or meat by-products (which come from a rendering plant where carcasses, fat and waste products are taken). This is then bulked out with cheap fillers - for economic reasons, not for your dog's health.

Often this filler is sugar.

You may now be able to see a clear link to the diet you feed your dog and your dog's diabetes.

Because the dog food is poor quality, it is nutrient poor, so the pet food companies try to redress this imbalance by including isolated and synthetic 'nutrients'. Isolated and synthetic 'nutrients' as well as the rest of the chemical cocktail, are not easily digested at best, and can cause real damage at worst.

It's best not to blame the system for being corrupt, or your vet for being gullible. It's simply best to take control of your dog's health yourself (and preferably your own, too) and work out what a good diet really is.

Nature has all the answers. Nature is timeless. Nature is not corrupt. Nature is not driven by profit. Nature has no ulterior motive - other than to provide the best possible conditions for the longest life.

Feeding your dog according to natural laws is not difficult, is not expensive, is not time consuming. And it is highly beneficial to your dog's good and lasting health.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments


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