
Reacting to a dog's urinary tract infection (UTI) depends on the severity of the infection and the cause. The infection can lead to inflammation of the urethra, prostate, bladder, ureters and kidneys. In severe cases the problem can cause kidney failure. In most cases the problem is caused by bacteria or fungus passing from your dog's gastrointestinal tract into the urethra (tube that carries urine from the body) and bladder.

Dog's with strong immune systems and properly working urinary systems usually do not contract the problem. Is is important that a healthy dog is drinking enough so she is urinating frequently and with a strong flow. When these two systems are out of balance then your dog's urinary tract infection can take hold. The urine itself is natures way of fighting your dog's UTI. When the urine PH becomes too high or low, or has too much urea or acid, then it becomes less effective.

Symptoms of your Dog's Urinary Tract Infection

Symptoms of canine UTI may not be noticeable for an extended period of time. Common dog urinary tract symptoms include urine that doesn't smell right, difficulty with urination and lethargy or tired behavior.

As the condition worsens it can aid the formation of stones which lead to kidney failure. Since you don't know if your dog's UTI will go away immediately or progress, you should immediately seek veterinary care if you suspect this canine health problem.

Diagnosis of Your Dog's Urinary Tract Infection

Your veterinarian could diagnose UTI with just a physical and by taking your dog's history. If needed she will conduct tests such as urinalysis which will test the level of bacter ia and possibly stone remnants in the urine. She will also look for signs of neoplasia, which is a cancerous growth of cells in the urinary tract or bladder. Neoplasia is rare in dogs. It is difficult to determine if your dog's UTI is confined to the urinary tract or has moved to the kidneys and prostate.

Treatment of Your Dog's Urinary Tract Infection

Urine testing will indicate what type of bacteria or fungus is infecting your dog and will point to the specific antibiotic that is needed. Common antibiotics that are prescribed include amoxicilin and fluroquinolones. Treatment will last for 14 days. If the infection spread to the prostate or kidneys then treatment will last 30 days. After treatment ends your dog will be retested to see if the infection is gone.

If your dog has canine diabetes mellitus then additional treatment may be needed with the drug Amphotericin B. If medication alone doesn't cure the problem then your veterinarian will look for other causes such as a physical problem with the urinary system with focus on the prostate gland.

Prevention of Your Dog's Urinary Tract Infection

If your dog's UTI frequently returns then you need to consider other approaches. You can try a combination of medications for a 6 month period period and possibly natural medicine associated with the establishment of a normal PH in the urinary system. Natural remedies such as Arctostaphylos uva ursi, Berberis vulgaris, Cantharis (6C) and Staphysagris are all associated with urinary support and should be discussed with your veterinarian. There are also prescription diets specifically made to help with your dog's urinary tract infection.
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