
Your cat's kidneys are responsible for eliminating toxins and other waste products. Are an important part of good health and vital to sustain life. These are just two of the reasons why it is important to recognize the symptoms of kidney infection feline at the beginning before the kidneys are damaged to a point where they are no longer able to sustain life. In this article I will provide you with a wide range of feline kidney infection symptoms along with a couple of ideas of home remedy that should make it possible to get the jump on your kidney infection of cats.

Speaking of feline kidney infection symptoms

Feline kidney infection symptoms can range from very subtle to very obvious. Much will depend on whether the infection is only in the kidneys or urinary tract of multiplication. In cases where are infected only the kidneys and possibly other areas of the upper urinary tract, you will not see as many symptoms, and will probably be less noticeable. You may notice a change in energy levels with your cat becoming lethargic and have little interest in things that normally sparks their attention. You can also pick up quite like a closet or under a large piece of furniture. In these areas you can notice the smell of urine, because sometimes incontinence is one of the symptoms seen with an advancing feline kidney infection. Also lose interest in food, which can lead to weight loss. Wheezing or gasping can be seen.

If bacteria is engulfing the entire urinary tract you notice symptoms that are more in line with those often seen with severe bladder infection. These include urinating in inappropriate places, trying to Sub with little success, pain when urinating, depression, loss of energy, blood in the urine, loss of appetite, pungent smell of urine and blood in the urine.

In both cases, the area around the kidneys will be sensitive to the touch. The kidneys are located approximately three inches behind the rib cage below the spinal column. If this area is tender to the touch are that feline has a kidney infection.


The bacteria most often linked to feline kidney infection symptoms is escherichia coli and generally get access through the urethra. The veterinarian will perform a urinalysis and culture to determine the presence of this bacteria. The bad news is that if the infection is only in the upper urinary tract is sometimes not show up. The good news is that your veterinarian will probably be able to determine that something is amiss throbbing kidney area and in accordance with the terms and conditions of your cat. At this point will be prescribed antibiotics such as amoxicillin and baytril. If your pet doctor believes that the condition is severe you may insist on keeping your feline accommodation to observe the behavior and can administer antibiotics intravenously and maybe a vitamin B12 supplement.

What else? While a veterinary examination is the best course of action when you recognize the symptoms of feline kidney infection, sometimes personal reasons forcing him to be a secondary option. In these cases, home remedies are the next best line of Defense. In these cases a two step approach consisting of fresh water in abundance spiked with Cranberries or cranberry juice with a homeopathic supplement pet berberis and cantharis has proven to be a safe and effective treatment option to consider.
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