
Stress can build a great barrier between you and your pet. Can make your cat feel uncomfortable and lead you to frustration. May harm the relationship between you and your cat. To build a better relationship with your pet is important to know the most common symptoms of a cat with stress. As health problems can cause sudden changes in behavior of the felines, anytime your cat begins to show below the symptoms it is best to visit the vet if it is a health problem.

1. litter box problems
A cat may start avoiding the litter when you stress. But the cat may avoid the litter box for other reasons like dirty litter, litter, which doesn't fit to its size.

2. territorial marking Behavior
If your cat starts to territorial marking behaviors such as spraying without a reason is stress.

3. Hide if your cat is acting agitated or panicked for little things, if it spends a long time hidden, is stress.

4. Redirected aggression
If your cat acts wildly and aggression towards people or other pets, that it is stress. Might feel threatened by an intruder so is Redirected aggression against all.

5. decrease or increase in appetite, if your cat eats more or less than usual, it could be stress. You could also do grooming excessively when in stress.

When your cat is stress you must understand his situation. Help you overcome stress by identifying the root cause for stress and showing so much love and sympathy. Cats with stress needs attention; Seeking your help.
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