
Feline urinary tract infection symptoms may be easily overlooked at first, as they could just be mistaken for your pet "acting up", but it is important to recognize and understand the symptoms so that you can get your pet the treatment it needs as quickly as possible. If left untreated, feline UTI can lead to life threatening blockage.

A urinary tract infection affects your cat's ability to safely and easily eliminate waste. When an infection is present, urination can be painful and difficult. The more discomfort your cat feels when it tries to urinate, the more likely it will be to avoid the litter box as it will associate the box with its discomfort. Therefore, the clearest symptom of UTI is urinating outside of the litter box.

Other feline urinary tract infection symptoms include urinating frequently, difficulty urinating and blood in the urine. Licking the genitals excessively and crying while doing so is also a good indicator that something is seriously wrong. Be aware of your cat's regular urination habits and you'll be better able to recognize when its behavior is out of the ordinary.

Unfortunately, a cat will often exhibit the same kind of purring and snuggling behavior to get your attention when it is sick that it does while healthy, which makes it difficult to determine that there is a problem. If any of the other major symptoms are also present, you should take your cat to the vet as quickly as possible for a proper diagnosis.

Because UTI can easily lead to blockage, it is important that feline urinary tract symptoms are addressed as early as possible. Your vet can advise you as to what steps to take for treatment. The traditional treatment has always been a course of antibiotics but many pet owners are opting for other, less dangerous, alternatives rather than subject their pets to the potentially lethal side effects of most antibiotics.

Among the best are 100% natural homeopathic remedies. Made from a carefully selected blend of herbs and other plant based ingredients, these remedies proved the healing your cat needs to treat symptoms and prevent recurrence. And because they are completely natural, they carry no serious side effects, making them completely safe.

Berberis vulgaris, Staphysagris, Cantharis and other ingredients are combined in natural remedies to provide the most effective treatment possible for feline urinary tract infection symptoms. Together, these herbs work to soothe the urinary tract, strengthen the immune system and encourage proper urine flow to promote good urinary tract health.

Make sure to supplement your pet's treatment with lots of clean fresh water to help flush toxins from the urinary tract. While bottled water is not necessary, it is important to get an inexpensive tap filter to get rid of the chemicals in city water. Also, read the ingredients label of the food you feed your cat to make sure it contains healthy ingredients. Stay away from food that contains dyes, chemicals and meat byproducts.

Urinary tract infection can be a difficult proposition for both your cat and you. At the first sign of symptoms, get your cat to the vet and consider the safe, gentle and effective all-natural alternative for treatment. The healing power of nature can make your cat's symptoms a thing of the past.
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