
Cat health problems are a big issue for many pet owners and for this reason, many schedule regular visits to the vet in order to diagnose and treat potential health issues at the earliest opportunity. Cat seizures, although not as common in cats, do exist today and cannot be ruled out. For many pet owners, having a cat in seizure might be a terrifying sight and given the nature of this disease, it is important to understand its causes and symptoms so that you do not panic in the unfortunate event that it happens to your pet.

Causes of Cat Seizures

One of the common causes of cat seizures is the diet of your pet, especially if it has several additives. Cat food usually contains additives in the form of stabilizers, colors, chemicals etc, which could lead to seizures, among other cat health problems. Moreover, household cleaners could also cause seizures in cats. Parasite infection, kidney or liver related problems, brain stroke, low blood sugar, diabetes in cats, thyroid, infections, head injury, cancer as well as lead poisoning are some of the other causes of seizures.

Types of Seizures

There are three types of cat seizures, namely the petit mal, the grand mal and the Status epilepticus. The first type is minor and often goes unnoticed while the second type is most common in cats, where these animals pass out and have convulsions. This type of seizure is experienced for nearly five minutes but is not fatal in any manner. The third type of seizure is of a severe type, which lasts for hours where the cat loses consciousness. If untreated, this could become fatal. If your cat were to experience such a seizure, it is important to notify the vet immediately.


Cat seizures can be divided into three phases, each showing different symptoms. The pre-ictal phase is the first where the cat shows changes in its behavior such as hiding, nervousness, restlessness and often coming to you. The ictal phase is the second one where actual convulsions take place and this stage often lasts for five minutes. The head falls to one side and remains paralyzed temporarily. The post ictal phase is marked by confusion, pacing, disorientation etc.

Treating cat seizures is possible through anticonvulsants, although there may be side effects to those. However, regular medication can avoid such occurrences in the future. If you are unsure if your kitty could be a potential victim, we suggest you consult with a medical professional for more advice. Good luck!
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