
Diabetes is a disease caused due to the heightened blood sugar levels due to faulty insulin action and lack of metabolism to forms which can be stored (glycogen) or energy that can utilized. There are different types of diabetes and each is characterized by different things.

Type 1 diabetes is known as an autoimmune disorder where the cells which produce the insulin are destroyed due to action by the body against those cells. The triggers for type 1 diabetes are thought to be pathogens affecting the pancreas, which produces the insulin, like a virus. Genetic predisposition or poor nutrition can also aggravate the ailment.

Type 2 diabetes is caused due to the inability of the body to utilize the insulin produced by the body. In this type of the disease, the insulin is present but not taken up. This is also called non insulin dependent diabetes. This affects adults mostly post middle age.

Diabetes can be caused due to a host of factors ranging from hereditary traits since several genes have been implicated in the study of diabetes by scientists. If the parents have diabetes, it is likely that the child has a risk of getting it. Age can be a factor-type 2 diabetes is termed as adult onset diabetes.

Since the changes in lifestyle, eating out often, the easy availability of junk food which is high in sugars and fats have caused obesity, this can play a major role in the diabetes related symptoms. Sedentary lifestyles that are the norm with today's working people can contribute to the symptoms and stress factor multiplies the troubles.

There is a correlation between the food habits and ingestion of high cholesterol foods with high lipoprotein content and the incidence of diabetes. So it is often advised to incorporate a healthy diet into one's routine as well as regular exercise.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments


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