
Diabetic retinopathy is a serious complication of diabetes that may lead to irreversible blindness. Almost 80% of diabetic patients who suffered for 10 and more years are affected by this grave complication. But more recent research indicates that there are still a lot of things that can be done to treat diabetes and avoid the incidence of retinopathy. With adequate and attentive eye treatment and monitoring at least 90% of new cases of retinopathy can be reduced.

The retina is the most important inner part of the eye constructed by very specialized cells that function to receive light and convert it into an image. The retina then sends the image through the optic nerve to the brain where it is interpret accordingly.

The damage lies in small blood vessels (microvascular) of the retina. In type-1 diabetes retinopathy rarely develops before puberty, while in adults with type-1 diabetes, the incidence of retinopathy is also uncommon to appear before the fifth year of diabetes suffering. The progress of untreated diabetes goes inline with the damage of the retina. Hence it is very important to keep control on your blood sugar levels, since proper diabetes control will reduce the risk of developing retinopathy.

The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), a large medical study conducted on patients with type-1 diabetes by the United States National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) concluded that 50% - 75% of the respondents are less likely to develop diabetes microvascular complication that includes retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy. This successful group was provided with tight blood sugar control combined with the administration of insulin either through an insulin pump or multiple daily injections

Eye problems in patients with type-2 diabetes are mostly detected during a diagnosis of diabetes. In such cases routine control of blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol level is of major importance in anticipating the incidence of retinopathy and other eye problems

Types of diabetic retinopathy:

Background retinopathy is a damage of the retina blood vessel but it does not impair vision. At this stage you should vigilantly manage your blood sugar levels to avoid the progression to a more serious eye problem.

Maculopathy is a damage of the macula, a critical part of the retina that plays an important role in our vision ability. Since the damage affects the macula vision problem will be a major sign of the condition. In serious cases, vision is reduced significantly.

Proliverative retinopathy occurs when the retina blood vessels start thinning and occluded due to insufficient oxygen supply to the retina. New vessels will then be built to compensate the damage vessels. This condition may lead to retinal detachment which will seriously impair vision.

It is necessary to be aware of other risk factors that may deteriorate the obstructed vessels. Quit smoking, routine control of hypertension and blood sugar level, and cholesterol management are good attempts to stop the development of new vessels.

Treatment of diabetic retinopathy may include laser procedures or surgery. In a study of diabetic patients with an early stage of retinopathy, laser therapy to burn the fragile vessel was showing a result of a 50% reduction of blindness.

The prevention of diabetic retinopathy is through a routine eye screening on an annual basis. Diabetic women who later become pregnant should undergo a comprehensive eye examination during the first trimester and under a close supervision of an eye doctor during the rest of their gestation to avoid serious eye impairment. Just to remind you that this does not apply to women with gestational diabetes, since they are not at risk for retinopathy
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