It is well known that diabetics have to follow a strict diet to maintain under control their level of sugar in the blood, and they don not have many alternatives when talking about food.
Here you can find some of the indicated vegetables in treating the diabetes, which are easy to find on the market, and do not taste awful.
The French bean, also known as common or kidney bean is one of the most frequently vegetable used in the whole world.
For controlling diabetes it is indicated to eat beans because they are high in carbohydrates and fiber.
A great remedy for diabetes is the bean decoction. You need 60 grams of fresh bean pods, weighed after removing their seeds, you boil the pads for four hours on a slow fire in four liters of water, then you strain this decoction through fine muslin cloth and then you let it rest for eight hours. During the day it is recommended that you drink one glass of this decoction every two hours for a period of 4 to 8 weeks. You must prepare this decoction every day and drink it fresh, because it looses its medicinal properties after 24 hours.
Another useful natural product is the juice extracted from the French beans, combined with the juice of Brussels sprout, which stimulates the production of insulin.
Studies managed by Dr. James Anderson of the Human Nutrition Research Center of the US Department of Agriculture concluded that foods that lower cholesterol and prevent heart diseases, along with beans that are high in soluble fiber and reduce the level of sugar in the blood, are suitable for diabetics who develop a high risk of heart disease.
Lettuce can also be used freely by diabetics as it contains 3% or less of carbohydrates.
Tomato is useful for those who want to lose weight, is low in carbohydrates too and it is said to control the level of sugar in the urine.
A great nutritious food used in the diet of diabetics is the Soya bean. It is rich in quality proteins and fat, and poor in starch. Studies on Soya bean have been performed since 1910 and have proved the utility of this vegetable in reducing the quality of urinary sugar in diabetes patients.
One of the eldest used vegetable in treating diabetes is the onion. It is not important whether it is eaten raw or cooked, the most important thing is that onion can lower the blood sugar level in diabetes and the greater the dose, the faster the blood response.
In the 1960's scientists discovered anti-diabetic compounds in onion, similar to the anti-diabetic pharmaceuticals that are used in stimulating insulin synthesis and release: allyl, propyl, disulphide and allicin.
An equilibrate diet, based on vegetables, fruit and juices, and with less fats and sweets, associated with an active lifestyle, quitting smoking, self measuring the level of sugar in the blood and losing weight could control the diabetes and allow the patients to live a normal life.
For more information about diabetes diet, diabetes treatment, diabetes causes visit
Here you can find some of the indicated vegetables in treating the diabetes, which are easy to find on the market, and do not taste awful.
The French bean, also known as common or kidney bean is one of the most frequently vegetable used in the whole world.
For controlling diabetes it is indicated to eat beans because they are high in carbohydrates and fiber.
A great remedy for diabetes is the bean decoction. You need 60 grams of fresh bean pods, weighed after removing their seeds, you boil the pads for four hours on a slow fire in four liters of water, then you strain this decoction through fine muslin cloth and then you let it rest for eight hours. During the day it is recommended that you drink one glass of this decoction every two hours for a period of 4 to 8 weeks. You must prepare this decoction every day and drink it fresh, because it looses its medicinal properties after 24 hours.
Another useful natural product is the juice extracted from the French beans, combined with the juice of Brussels sprout, which stimulates the production of insulin.
Studies managed by Dr. James Anderson of the Human Nutrition Research Center of the US Department of Agriculture concluded that foods that lower cholesterol and prevent heart diseases, along with beans that are high in soluble fiber and reduce the level of sugar in the blood, are suitable for diabetics who develop a high risk of heart disease.
Lettuce can also be used freely by diabetics as it contains 3% or less of carbohydrates.
Tomato is useful for those who want to lose weight, is low in carbohydrates too and it is said to control the level of sugar in the urine.
A great nutritious food used in the diet of diabetics is the Soya bean. It is rich in quality proteins and fat, and poor in starch. Studies on Soya bean have been performed since 1910 and have proved the utility of this vegetable in reducing the quality of urinary sugar in diabetes patients.
One of the eldest used vegetable in treating diabetes is the onion. It is not important whether it is eaten raw or cooked, the most important thing is that onion can lower the blood sugar level in diabetes and the greater the dose, the faster the blood response.
In the 1960's scientists discovered anti-diabetic compounds in onion, similar to the anti-diabetic pharmaceuticals that are used in stimulating insulin synthesis and release: allyl, propyl, disulphide and allicin.
An equilibrate diet, based on vegetables, fruit and juices, and with less fats and sweets, associated with an active lifestyle, quitting smoking, self measuring the level of sugar in the blood and losing weight could control the diabetes and allow the patients to live a normal life.
For more information about diabetes diet, diabetes treatment, diabetes causes visit
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