
While there are no clinical studies of cannabis for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in the scientific literature, there are a small number of pre-clinical studies that indicate that cannabinoids found in marijuana may provide symptomatic relief for sufferers of diabetes mellitus. Medical Marijuana is also known to modify the progression of the disease, according to a 2006 study published in the journal autoimmunity.

The study reported that daily injections of 5 mg of non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD has significantly reduced the incidence of diabetes in mice and investigators reported that, while about 86% of untreated control mice in the study developed diabetes, instead only the 30 percent of mice treated with CBD developed the disease. Diabetes mellitus refers to a set of autoimmune diseases that are characterized by defects of insulin secretion by the pancreas. This results in Hyperglycemia or high blood glucose concentration.

Type 1 diabetes or juvenile diabetes and type 2 diabetes, or adult diabetes are two major types of diabetes. While those with type 1 diabetes must rely on insulin medication for survival, who suffers from type 2 diabetes produce insufficient amounts of insulin and their condition can usually be controlled by diet. In fact, statistics show that after heart disease and cancer, diabetes is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Can also lead to nerve damage, kidney failure, blindness, hardening of the arteries, and finally death.

Researchers at the Medical College of Virginia reported in the March 2006 issue of American Journal of Pathology that CBD Treaty protecting significant experience of rats with diabetic retinopathy when they have been processed for a period of 1-4 weeks. Diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness in adults is characterized by a breakdown of blood-retinal barrier and oxygen deprivation of the retina. There are other preclinical studies that have demonstrated the beneficial effects of cannabinoids in animal models of diabetes.

Medical Marijuana is known to relieve neuropathic pain associated with diabetes mellitus and studies published in the journal Neuroscience Letters in 2004, reported that mice who were given a cannabis receptor agonist experienced a decrease in diabetes related tactile involved or pain arising from a stimulation of non-injurious skin compared to untreated controls. These results suggest that cannabinoids in MMJ can have great therapeutic potential in the treatment of experimental neuropathic pain triggered by diabetes mellitus.
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