
Familiarity with the metabolic disorder called diabetes mellitus?

In 2005, diabetics in the United States have already reached a total of 20.8 million. Currently, the number is hugely increased. Prevalent cases diabetics, diabetes mellitus constitutes approximately 90-95%.

Diabetes cases are on the rise and if these people do not take preventive measures, their condition can worsen and become full-blown diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a lack of insulin secretion and insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is already evident at a very young age, because it can be inherited.

The condition can be triggered by environmental factors such as obesity and the sedentary lifestyle. Apart from this, insulin resistance is also associated with hyperglycemia, hypertension and Dyslipidemia. If you have diabetes mellitus, is likely to develop cardiovascular disease.

The treatments for diabetes mellitus usually involves taking medications, education, exercise and dietary changes.

Usually are given more drugs; otherwise known as combination therapy. The effectiveness of some older drugs and new drugs introduced in the medical industry has brought confusion and thus current treatments of diabetes mellitus have become extremely complex.

Currently, was released the new class of drugs acting incretin. This anti-diabetic drugs designed exclusively for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide) and DPP-4 (dipeptidil peptidase) are already available on the market. Clinical trails still have been conducted with the use of GLP-1 analog or liraglutide.

A medical association in the United States published the medicines mentioned above are equally effective as older diabetes drugs used. Also, diabetics older drugs are much cheaper, because the new drugs are extremely expensive.

Some diabetic patients themselves – why should pay for expensive new treatments are also effective when the older treatments?

Well, the choice of treatments of diabetes mellitus depends on the individual. If you can't afford expensive treatments for diabetes mellitus, you can always choose the cheaper alternatives. But before taking any medication, it's still best to consult a doctor. Only your doctor knows the best medication for you. Talking with your doctor and provide him with your medical history, you can effectively treat diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes is a life-long disease and all you can do is to manage and control, first check your life. If it does not cure diabetes after a diagnosis could lead to complications such as heart disease and kidney disease. Immediate treatments are needed in order to overcome this disease. Make it a point to visit your doctor regularly so that you can discuss any new development or if you experience some side effects from current medications you are taking.

The treatment for diabetes mellitus is more of a personal choice, because it is cost. Because not all diabetics cannot afford conventional medicines, many choose alternative medicines such as the use of herbs and other natural remedies.

You must be prepared to make the necessary changes in your life, if you want to live normally because diabetes will stay with you forever.

You are overweight or is there a relative and family member with diabetes? If the answer is Yes, you are at risk, so be very careful.


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